"Dear Cienna"

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The days dragged as you tried to go about life as normal

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The days dragged as you tried to go about life as normal. You and your dad were hardly speaking. Oddly enough You were having more and better conversation with Miranda. She became someone you confided in when it came to this. She had expressed to you how she herself had an abortion at age 16, but she never regretted it. It's not that she was trying to talk you out of keeping your baby, she wanted to give some insight. You opened up to her about the love triangle you had going on with Cedric and Trevor, and how you didn't know what to do about Trevor and how to tell him. You had been avoiding him, he tried to call and FaceTime you a few times. You didn't know where to begin. You almost lost it when you thought he was about to leave you alone months ago. So you already knew he was gonna call it quits after this.

Tomorrow is your appointment with your Obgyn. You have to get lab work done and was told not to eat anything after 10 tonight. It was 9 am and your phone was going off. 
You: hello?
Cedric: yo! I'm about an hour away from your city
You: wow, that was fast
Cedric: yeah I left about 2 this morning . I ain't had shit goin on. But I got an Airbnb, so you coming by me?
You: yeah I need to get away anyways. My dad and I aren't really on the best of terms right now.
Cedric: damn. aight cool

(Cedric calls you to tell you he was on your street. You grab a bag you'd packed and rushed outside. Your dad and Miranda was out running errands again for the 10th time this week. It was obvious he was just doing things to avoid being at home. You get in Ced's car)

Cedric: wh-what you not gon introduce me?

Y/N: My dad's not home. And even if he was i don't think its a good time

Cedric: you're carrying my child Y/N. what's a good time?

Y/N: can we just go. Plus im starving (You put on your seatbelt. He shakes his head and pulls off)

Cedric: (puts the address in the GPS) where you wanna get some food?

Y/N: doesn't matter. So how's it been in Atlanta?

Cedric: same ole same ole. Listen we can keep the small talk, I wanna know what's our plan

Y/N: what you mean?

Cedric: so we have this baby, then what? I mean have you thought about this? Neither one of us really know what to do.

Y/N: (scoffs) are you trying to tell me something? (he glances at you) Ced if you don't wanna be apart of this you don't have to

Cedric: what? Y/N i just drove over 7 hours to be here. Does that not show I wanna be apart of this? Im just asking you questions about our next move. We got school, we got our whole lives ahead of us--

Y/N: and this baby will distract that right? Can we just stop talking about all this right now? Im hungry.

(Cedric shakes his head and pulls into a Raising Canes)

::You arrive at this AIRBNB. You immediately head to the closes room and sit down to eat. Cedric undresses and hops in the shower. Cedric cell beeps to a text message from a "Serayah" . However, you couldn't read it due to his face id activation. You brush it off. Even if it is a another bitch he's cheating with again, you didn't have the energy anymore. Whatever you thought...::

Cedric comes out the shower and climbs into bed. After about 20 mins he was snoring loud as ever. Guess the long drive took a toll on him.

The next day, you and Cedric are at the doctor's appointment waiting for your name to be called

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The next day, you and Cedric are at the doctor's appointment waiting for your name to be called. You get your ultrasound once again, this time you're 14 weeks. The doctor informs you that she can determine the gender. You and Cedric decide you're too anxious to wait. You learn you're having a GIRL.

Cedric: what you thinkin bout?

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Cedric: what you thinkin bout?

Y/N: (sticking a fry into your mouth and smiles)

Cedric: you excited for a girl i see

Y/N: you have no idea.

Cedric: you thought of a name yet?

Y/N: not really. To be honest i figured i would let you do the honor

Cedric: (looks up at you) for real?

Y/N: (you nod) go for it

Cedric: aight shit. What you think about Cienna

Y/N: (you look shocked) okayyyy. Look at you...Cienna Alexx Hobbs

Cedric: Bet!

( that night while you were at the AirBNB with Cedric, you decided to write a letter to your unborn, Cienna)

To my sweet, beautiful CeCe:

"I can feel you. I haven't met you & i know your touch. I can hear you, I haven't met you & I know your voice. From the moment I found out I was having you I knew God was taking his time to create you for me. For me to be your mommy. You were sent to rescue me. I now know what true love feels like. I want you to know. That you're all I'll ever need & im all you'll ever need. I've never been a mommy before but then again you've never been a daughter before. What'll you say we help each other? I pray for you each and every night. I pray that you'll be healthy beautiful baby girl. You're born into lots of love! Wait until you meet your daddy. He named you by the way. Guess he wanted your name to be close to his. But I'm sure it's for other reasons that only he knows. He's new to this whole daddy role also. So cut him some slack when you come ok. Anyways, I love you Cienna. I can't wait to meet you. "

A DIFFERENT WORLD: A TREVOR JACKSON & Y/N STORYWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu