"Drop The World" (Part TWO)

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Y/N: Fuck this...

You head to your room and texted your dad:

You: hey dad, turns out im coming home after all for Spring Break... & the performance has been cancelled. I'll talk to you later, gotta study. Love you.

Your impulsive texted had you getting emotional. You was over the top pissed at everything and everyone. Cedric cheating ass, Jharrel and this Bronwyn shit, Nafessa giving your spot away to this bitch, not being able to talk to Trevor right now. It was all too much bothering you at one time. At this point you just wanted to get exams over with and go home.

You push the balloons and bear off of your bed onto the floor and climb in. You pull out your books and study. You knew this wouldn't exactly take your mind off shit but it had to be done either way. You had enough personal shit going on, you didn't need any academic problems fanning the flames.

::The week didn't fly by like it usually did. It most def dragged its ass. Between looks and talks behind your back in classes you were ready to get the fuck. You told Chloe and Halle you were not going to Miami with the girls. It was too much for you, and to be honest you just weren't in a partying mood. You had Trevor's performance for the sorority coming up this weekend and you wanted to support him. He did return your call back that day but you weren't for the heart to heart conversation you were gonna have with him. He was so busy with classes, his music and his first big performance he hadn't really heard about you and Cedric. It didn't stop the rest of the campus from hearing about it. One thing you respected about Doug though, he however was usually in the mix of everything. He fit in so well with people. But he NEVER went and ran his mouth to Trevor about anything he heard about you. He and Lionel were the realest ones to you when it came to respecting boundaries even though Trevor was their friend.  Now Cedric, tuhh, he didn't quit. The whole week he blew you up, even popped up at your room, thank GOD you got Chloe to lie for you. You often thought about giving it a go again, maybe then it'll get some of your sanity back. Because from what you could see, your reputation at GAMU revolved around Cedric Hobbs... ::


You: ...hey

Cedric: hey, you finally called me.

You: yeah, you wanna meet somewhere?

Cedric: why not come over to the house?

You: i'd rather not.

Cedric: aight, wherever you feel comfortable

You: lets meet at Chappell Park

Cedric: aight cool

(You drive to the park which is about 4 miles away from campus. You park in the lot and about 5 mins later you see Cedric's Range Rover pull next to you. You both get out and he hugs you. You made sure not to squeeze back. You need to show some resistance. You walk to nearby bleachers.

 You walk to nearby bleachers

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A DIFFERENT WORLD: A TREVOR JACKSON & Y/N STORYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora