"I Gotta Be"

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January had come and gone. You guys killed it at the MLK ceremony. It was one of the biggest events of the year. GamU featuring Clark Atlanta Dance Team was a showstopper and it took everyone by surprise... You got into focusing on your classes more recently, Spring Break would soon come in two months. You were staring down the barrel of a low C in your Renaissance Literature class and was missing a lot of days over sleeping for your Calculus II course. Too much of your time had been on the dance team and trying to keep both Cedric and Trevor happy. It was becoming a full time job.

::You are in your dorm trying to finish your thesis statement paper for your Lit class. You are sitting erect in your bed on your laptop when China, Halle, Chloe and Eboni come storming in loud ass hell::

You: Uh, EXCUSE ME! (you yell over their loud talking)

They stop and look at you

You: i have a paper due tomorrow can ya'll tone it down a lil bit?

Eboni: damn aight 

Halle: our bad

You: (you just shake your head)

Chloe: you still working on that paper? (sitting down her bag)

You: obviously (not removing your eyes from your keyboard)

China: what's the paper on?

You: im writing my thesis statement paper on "UPTOPIA". 

Halle: i read that book last year. What professor?

You: Gibbs

China: ooh. Good Luck. 

(You continue to type your paper as they talk among themselves.. After about a two hour stay, the girls all leave, and you were almost done just when your phone rings to Trevor calling you. )

You: hello?

Trevor: whats up what you doin'

You: finishing up my paper for Lit class

Trevor: oh shit, im sorry babe

You: you're good. How was your day?

Trevor: (sighs) pop up test, you don't wanna know. But on a good note, I finally finished this song today. 

You: hmm really?

Trevor: yeah i want you to hear it. 

You: okay hold on

::You wrap up your paper and email it to yourself so you could print it out in the morning before class that afternoon. It was just past midnight, Chloe was already fast asleep. You climb back into your bed and hit your light and get back on the phone with Trevor.::

You: okay, im listening

Trevor: alright

Trevor: what you think?

You: (scoffs) well damn (laughs) was feelin' yourself with this one i see. Did you mention my dorm room number in there? (laughs )

Trevor: (laughs) you caught that huh? 

You: yeah (sarcastically) but seriously, why don't you drop any of your songs babe?

Trevor: you sound like Iyn. 

You: listen to him. You know GamU has a radio station right?

Trevor: yeah but its mostly talk 

A DIFFERENT WORLD: A TREVOR JACKSON & Y/N STORYजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें