They pulled back.

"See you around, Eleanor," Benny said.

"Not if I can help it."

"You really can't at least try to like him? I mean, he helped save your ass there at the end."

"He's a vampire, Dean."


I rolled my eyes. We had hotwired a car and were heading toward Rufus' cabin. Dean had called several of Sam's numbers to tell him to meet us there.

"You know, there was a time we hunted those."

"Yeah, well, Benny's a friend. He helped out a lot over there."

"Whatever, Dean. We've parted ways now. Can't you just let it go?"

Dean rolled his eyes, but complied with my request as we pulled up to the familiar cabin. Inside, we took turns in the shower, changing into one of the pairs of clean clothes that had been left behind. 

"So, did you actually get a hold of Sam, or are you just assuming he'll be here?"

"Well, most of his numbers were disconnected, but I did leave a message on a couple of them, so hopefully he'll show."

"You're joking," I scoffed. "You're just assuming he's going to show up?"

"It's Sam, Eleanor. He'll show."

I rolled my eyes, grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

"Whatever. As long as he brings my kids, whatever."

Dean rolled his eyes, shaking his head at me as he made his way over to peek out the window.

"What? You got something to say to me?" I snapped at him.

"What happened to you?" he asked, glaring back at me.

"You know what happened to me, Dean. Exactly the same thing that happened to you. P-"


"No, you don't get to-"

"Eleanor, shut up."

I opened my mouth to protest further, but then I realized why he'd told me to be quiet. It was still faint, but I could just make out the familiar rumble of an engine coming closer and closer to the cabin.

"Sam?" I whispered.

Dean peeked out the window again as the rumbling noise shut off. A few moments later, Sam came walking through the door. He had barely made it three steps inside when Dean tackled him to the ground and started doing the regular tests on him, starting with holy water.

"What the-? I'm not a demon," Sam said.

Borax was next.

"Or a Leviathan. What-"

I watched as Dean grabbed one of Sam's arms, cutting it with a knife. Sam gasped in pain.

"Or a shifter," Dean nodded, standing up. "My turn, then Eleanor. Come on. Let's go."

Sam looked over at me, then back at Dean.

"I don't need to," he shook his head. "I know it's you."

"Damn it, Sammy!" Dean cried out.

He splashed the holy water and borax on himself as Sam stood up.

"Come on!"

"No! Dean, can I just say hello?"

After cutting his own arm, Dean turned to me. I held out my hand for the holy water and borax, going through the same drill.

"Alright," Dean said when I finished, both of us binding our arms. "Well... let's do this."

"I don't know whether to give you a hug or take a shower," Sam quipped.

"Come here," Dean laughed.

I watched the two brothers embrace, expression stony.

"You two are... freakin' alive," Sam took a few steps back with his hands in his hair. "I mean, what the hell happened?"

"Well, I guess standing too close to exploding Dick sends your ass straight to Purgatory."

"You two were in Purgatory? For the whole year?"

"Yeah. Time flies when you're running for your life."

"Sam, where are my kids?" I piped up.

"Maddie and Zep? They, uh, they're still in Heaven with Sara."


Sam swallowed, shifting uncomfortably under my gaze.

"W-well, with everything that happened... I just... I figured that since they were safe anyway..."


"Easy. Easy, Eleanor," Dean grabbed me before I could lunge at his brother.

There was an awkward silence, and then Sam cleared his throat.

"Well, uh, how'd you guys get out?"

Saints or Sinners | {BOOK 3}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora