Everything is Falling

Start from the beginning

This was the second time I saw her cry today.

My mother got up on her feet to walk out of the room, she didn't look at me. She hates me, maybe the same way she is hating my father right now. The truth is I'm not any better than him.

I could feel my head getting warm by the pressure I had on it since I was doing everything I could to not any tear get out.

I shouldn't be crying, I'm not the victim in here. Crying would be so selfish of me.

Even though the truth I kept for so long is out now it doesn't look like anything will get better. Something tells me things are going to keep falling after this.


After some more checkouts I got discharged from the hospital.

The sun has come down.

I hear a nock on my door as I was done putting my clothes.

"Come in!" I instruct. I had to drink almost a liter of water so my throat wasn't sore anymore.

Steve comes in an closed the door. He stays there almost scared of approaching me.

"Is my mom outside?" I ask not really want to hear the answer crossing my arms over my chest for some kind of protection. His face falls, he walks towards me without braking eye contact until he reaches me. Steve opens his arms for a hug but he doesn't hug me until I nod.

Steve embraced me but I kept a barrier between us with my crossed arms. I let him hug me so he could feel better not because it was going to make me feel better.

"I'll take you back to your house." He says as he breaks the hug. I nod.

Before leaving the hospital the nurse gave some pain killers for the headaches. Because like she said I had a concussion due passing out on the floor and hitting my head pretty hard. She also told me that I had to rest and restricting activities allowed the brain to recover. This means that one should temporarily reduce time spent on sports, video games, TV or too much socialising.

So no work, no friends and no getting out of my house.

We arrived at the trailer park, Steve parked his car in front of my trailer. I got out before he came to open the door for me, he has already done more than enough. Steve shouldn't have come to the hospital after how I treated him today.

"Steve..." I said almost in a whisper. He looked at me over the roof of his car while he rested his hands in there playing with the key. "I'm sorry, I said things I didn't meant." My eyes got glossy but I rubbed them with my hands so it wasn't visible.

I swear for a moment I could see his eyes getting glossy too before he looked away but it's to dark to confirm it anyway.

"Just don't scare m- US, like that again." I nod looking at my feet. "Come on, let's get you inside." We walk to the porch and before I open the door I turn to look at Steve who was standing behind me.
He looks confused.

"I need to confront this alone." He was going to defair but I didn't let him because I put my hand over his lips. "Please." He sights on my hand and I take it off.

"Fine, just promise you will call me if you need anything." Steve means the radio Dustin gave  to have communication with them. I always forget it since it is too big to carry around since I don't usually wear a bag.

"I promise." He nodded and turned around to leave but he stopped before he stepped off the porch. Steve came back to me to give me a quick kiss on my cheek to look at me in the eyes resting his forehead with mine for like two seconds then he left without saying anything.

I bite on the inside of my cheek. I can't think about it right now, I just need to see if my mother is okay.

Whatever that means after what happened.

I was shitting myself, I did not want to see what was on the other side of the door. But I have too. I opened the door, I expected to see the inside of the trailer turned into shreds, but it wasn't like that. Everything was in its place.

It puts me more on nerves to see it like this if I'm honest.

I close the door to then take my shoes off to be bare feet. The cold of the floor makes me walk on tiptoes. I make my way to my parents room.

The house is quiet...too quiet I can hear blood pumping to my heart.

The door of their room was opened a crack, I looked through it. There were clothes all over the floor, so I opened the door to check the room.


She was sitting in the middle of the bed with a peace of paper in her hands. Ruby was trying to figure out what was writing when I entered the room. She barely knows how to read so as her blue eyes met my green ones she extended her hand for me to take the paper.

She looked confused and even a little scared. I walk toward her sitting beside her, putting my arm around her shoulders taking the note.

"Where is mom and dad?" She asked in such an innocent tone turning her up to look at me while I looked at the hallway through the door.

This confirmed my theory. I don't need to read the note to know what it says.

Everything is fa

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