chapt 36 book 7

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I ignored the voice and continues brisk walking to the crowd. There were spells flying everywhere now. I protected those that were losing, which was quite rare since the death eaters seemed to be shaken up.

I ended up in the great hall. I saw Ginny, Hermione and Liv duelling bellatrix. Three professors were duelling Voldemort. I would deal with him later. I ran over to Liv. 

" Hey guys." I greet. They were too fixated on duelling though. I started flicking Bellatrix's spells away with my powers even though I could kill her then and there. It was just fun seeing her in distress like her 'master'. That sounds so sexual but whatever.

That was when the three took notice of me.

" Nat, please just kill her." Liv begged. I slowly started to kill Bellatrix, she was slowly suffering in pain. She was crumpled on the floor, begging for her life. 

" PLEASE! KILL ME OR NOT GET IT OVER AND DONE WITH!" She was screaming. She was hysterically crying. I grimaced. My hand was slowly closing in on her. 

The trio seemed to enjoy her pain as well. Then I just shut my fist and she disappeared with a scream.

Then there was a scream behind me. I turned around. The three professors were flung against the wall. I caught them with my powers and let them down safely. I walked over with Harry. We stood side by side, Voldemort opposite us.

" Why are you doing this? I have already offered to join me." Voldemort asked me. 

" Why would I take the side that would lose?" I taunt.

" If you join me, we will be unstoppable, we will never lose."

" Never? Please! There will be wins and loses. This round, I'll win, and you'll lose." I taunt. His snake like eyes were flaring up with every word.

" Just join me!" He said.

" Why the fuck would I do that? I love my side, my family is here. No way in hell I would fight against them. What do I owe you anyway? YOU KILLED MY FUCKING PARENTS!" I shout. Everyone flinched at my tone. I was only seventeen, why would I have to deal with this kind of shit.

" There was a prophecy that I needed to uphold." He spoke with anger lacing his tone.

" There was so many other ways to go around it but instead you chose to kill to fucking kill innocents, they were only 21!" 

" They were in the way." He tried to justify.

" You didn't manage to get what you wanted. Do you not feel regret? Remorse? Guilt? Does it not consume you till you just want to leave this world. Do you not realise the amount of people you've hurt along the way. Your selfishness has brought us to this point, where you're losing and not caring about the lives lost." I accused with a pissed off tone. Harry grabbed my hand to calm me down, I didn't shake it off but the calming down part didn't exactly work.

" Why would I show care to those I do not like?" He asks.

" Why the fuck are you asking me that? How am I supposed to know? What if I do this?" I lift my hand and red mist shoots out and goes into his mind. I see it all in a flash but understand every single part of it.

" What did you just do?" He asks skeptically.

" Oh, that? I just lived your life, felt and heard every. single. thing. " I shrug like it was nothing.

" Why are you doing this?"

" Because I want to see you lose, feel the pain we felt when we grew up with no parents, no love in our lives. I can say the same for you, little orphan." I taunt.

" SHUT IT!" He screamed.

" Growing up with no love. In an orphanage. How fun would that have been? Could've been such a good kid, but no, bullying other kids is what you choose." I continue to taunt.

" SHUT IT!" He shouted.

I flicked my hand and he turned around and see his younger orphan self. The orphan came to life.

" What happened to us?" The little boy spoke. Voldemort looked traumatised.

" We're fulfilling what we were supposed to from the start." Voldemort said, having guilt filled in his eyes.

" Why did you kill so many innocents?" The little boy asked.

" They were simply in the way."

The little boys face was now filled with anger. " WHY DID YOU DO THIS!?" He screamed, stepping away from Voldemort. Voldemort moved forward but the boy just ran further away, closer to Harry and I.

" No I-" Voldemort started but was cut off by the boy.

" I HATE YOU!" The boys creamed and I made him disappear. Voldemort just looked guilty but it vanished after he looked back at us.

" HOW DARE YOU!" He screamed.

" It was your past self, look at how much you've ' grown' ." I roll my eyes.

" Nat, you're pissing him off." Harry mutters into my ear. I nod subtly, telling him that I know and I have a plan, which technically I don't but I'm just rolling with it.

" I HAVE GROWN! I have become better." He boasts.

" Better? No, you became worse. Probably the worst version of yourself. " I tilted my head slightly to scare him.

" How about we just end this?" He asks trying to scare me as he gave me a death stare.

" Like I said, you're just going to die in the end." I start circling with Harry as Voldemort does the same. 

Voldemort pauses for a while as he ponders over my words. 

" You can't tell." He says and continues walking in a circle, Harry and me on the opposite side of him.

" I can't tell, I just have a feeling, plus, what do you have against me?" I question with a fake look of pity.


" Let me give you a choice. Would you like your wand? Or not?" I ask in a fake sweet voice.

" Obviously I want it."

" Then you can't have it."

With a flick of my wrist, the wand flies into Harry's hand.

" Now how about we finish this..........."

Who's gonna kill Voldemort????

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