Chapter 21 book 4

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We hang out at the lake with Twinkle and her friends before going back into the great hall. We finish dinner and head back to the common room.

We all go to Cedric's room where he keeps his golden egg. The girls walking by just kept saying hi in that annoying "seductive" voice.

I hate those type of girls. They are constantly trying to get close to my boyfriend. UGH.

We try to open his egg and it makes this horrible screeching sound. We all cover our ear and Cedric closed the egg.

He puts it back on his bedside and we all sit on his bed. Gabrielle and Fleur had to go to their carriage because their headmistress had called them.

" What the fuck was that?" Liv asks.

" No idea." Ced replies.

I move closer to Cedric and lie down on his lap. Liv moves to lie down on George the same way I lie on Cedric.

" What now?" I ask.

" I'm bored." Liv replies.

The boys say they are bored too.

" Why not a date?" I suggest.

" umm Natalie?" Liv says.

" Hmm?" I turn to look at Liv.

" You do realise that it is now 9pm at night."

" Oh." I look down.

" We can go tomorrow if you want." Cedric suggests.

" Sure."

I kiss him goodnight and head to bed. Liv followed shortly after and we drifted to sleep the moment our heads hit the pillow.

i was walking through a dark place. Only darkness around me. nothing could be seen, just black.  suddenly, a light shined down at one specific spot. it was very far but a shadow could be seen.

i walked over, curious as to what the shadow was. And then I saw it. A person. The figure was lying flat, on the floor. He as i saw, was clutching his chest and struggled to breathe. He was gasping for air.

he tried talking but only wheezes could be heard.

" Na- Nat." He was calling, me?

" I'm here." I whispered.

He turned to look at me. CEDRIC!?!?!?!?

" Cedric!" I shouted. I ran towards him and he opened his bloody arms to me. I started crying.

" Pro-promise me one thing." He said as he was catching breaths.

" Of course."

" Marry me, i-if i m-make it o-out alive." He struggled to talk.

" What?"

Then he collapsed in my arms.

" Cedric? CEDRIC!" I shouted.


I bolted up right. I realised a was panting and my face was stained with tears. The girls from my dorm was around me with concerned looks on their faces.

Liv was the closest and she held my hands.

" What happened?" I asked.

" Nat? Listen to me." 

I looked at Liv.

" I need you to calm down." She said.


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