Chapter 5 book 1

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" Hi Twinkle, I was just going to eat dinner so I was going to put you in this tiny bed I made for you. Unless you want me to bring you down too."  I ask.

Twinkle jumps up and down on my hand and looks up to me with those big black eyes again. I put Twinkle into my front pocket on my shirt and walk downstairs making sure to bring my book down too. I walk down the stairs avoiding the stares people are giving me on the way to the great hall.  

I managed not to get lost on the way there. I stepped into the great hall and I know Harry was looking at me but I chose to ignore him. I walked over to where Cedric and Olivia were sitting and sat down next to Cedric with Olivia opposite me.

I look at Harry for a split second before immediately looking down at my food. He was staring at me again so I quickly finished my meal and left the great hall with Cedric and Olivia but not before feeding Twinkle.

Harry kept asking me to go back to the great hall in my mind when I left, which I have ignored all the way till he stopped. By the time he stopped pestering me, the three of us already made it to the hufflepuff common room. We sat at Cedric's favourite spot that was near to the fire place. Olivia sat on the single couch leaving me and Cedric to share a couch because the large sofa was taken by another group of friend. Cedric sat on the single couch making me stand there like some idiot. Cedric looked at me then looked at Olivia. 

" Sit here, if you're comfortable of course." He says patting his lap. Olivia stared at me in awe and moved her head to his lap gesturing for me to sit there. I blushed but sat down on his lap putting my hands on my lap. Olivia looked at me wiggling her eyebrows. I took the pillow from the side of the couch and threw it at her face, surprisingly my aim was perfect and smacked her right in the face. I laughed while feeling my whole body vibrate from Cedric laughing along with me. 

When Olivia Removed the pillow her face was filled with annoyance making me and Cedric laugh harder. Olivia threw the pillow hitting my face with full force, I would have fallen backwards with Cedric wasn't holding my back but the force was enough for my reflexes to react and I wrapped my arms around Cedric's neck causing a shocked expression from both of them.

I quickly let go of his neck and looked down to my lap. Olivia got up and walked back to our dorms. I got up and sat on the chair that was previously occupied by Olivia. I looked down in embarrassment but looked up when Cedric called me.

" Evy, why are your eyes glowing peach, i'm very sure your eyes were green before."

" I don't know."

" Then let's go to the library and find out."

I nodded and he leads us towards the library but I notice the group of girls from the common room following us. I pull on Cedric's sleeve, " Why are they following us, are you that popular?" I ask.

" You don't think i'm that popular, I'm hurt." He says putting his hand on his heart pretending to get shot.

I just roll my eyes and continue walking. Cedric walks beside me as we fasten our pace, but the girls just kept catching up. We entered the library and we split up searching for a book to describe my change is appearance.

A girl that looks older than me walks beside me and taps my shoulder, she had long brown hair with blue eyes and an hourglass shape body.

" Stay away from Cedric, I mean it, he's mine." She says then walks away to the aisle that Cedric is at. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a few books for me to study before finding a book about appearance. I grabbed it and ran towards Cedric with my hands full of books.

He turned to me as soon as i stepped in that aisle. i looked behind him and see the group of girls and the girl from earlier staring daggers at me.

" I found the book." I say and grab his arm pulling him to check out my books. Mrs Pince looks at us and checks out the books I found.

I continue pulling Cedric till we made it out of the library and into a deserted corridor. He pants as I try to catch my breath

" Why did you pull me here?" 

I look behind him to make sure no one was listening before answering him.

" One of the girls just now threatened me to stay away from you."

He stares at me shocked and replies, " What? Which one?"

" I don't know, some girl with brown hair and blue eyes."

" That's Romilda Vane, from Ravenclaw, it's not that she likes me but she courts popular people."

I roll my eyes and walk back to the Hufflepuff common room, with Cedric trailing slightly behind me. I opened the common room door and sit down on the couch. Cedric sat next to me and just stared at me while I stared into the fire place. I got up and told Cedric that i was going to bed and that i will meet him in the morning.

Cedric's POV

Natalie turns around and walks back to the common room.

I can't believe Romilda would do that to Evy. I just quietly follow Evy back to our common room. She sits down on the large couch and I sit down next to her, no words were exchanged between us as she stares into the fireplace, I assume she was collecting her thoughts from just now. She gets up and tells me she is going to bed and that she will meet me in the morning. I stare at her retreating figure until she rounds the corner up to her dorm room.

I pack up the books she left on the coffee table and go back up to my own dorm to go to bed for tonight.

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