Chapter 20 book 4

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Cedric ducked behind a rock just in time. He used a spell we learnt and transformed a rock into a dog. The dragon was distracted enough for Cedric to move closer to the golden egg. The dragon was no longer interested in the dog and was now looking around. Cedric moved closer again behind another rock. he levitated the egg but the dragon turned towards the eggs direction.

He quickly dropped the egg and hid behind the rock again. He turned another rock into a dog and the dragon turned 180 degrees towards the dog.

Ced levitated the egg and it brought it closer. The dragon was distracted long enough for Ced to bring the egg to him. I cheered really loudly and I felt someone tug me from the back. The rest didn't notice, they were too focused on the task.

" Beginners luck for diggory." He hissed in my ear. 

" What?" I'm pretty sure that voice belonged to Draco.

" I don't understand why you love him so much."

He then pushed me really hard. I was too stunned to react. I was at the edge of the quidditch stands. I couldn't move. He pushed me so hard that I fell off the stands. I shut my eyes knowing what would happen. 

This would be my end.

The pain I was expecting did not come. Instead a pair of hands caught me. They ever so gently placed me onto the ground. I was curled up into a ball. I just realised that I was shaking. I heard gasps all over, from all around me. They felt close but distant.

I opened my eyes and looked up. Cedric was hovering over me. He looked concerned.

" You saved me?" I asked in a whisper.

" Yea. I saw you fall, i caught you in time."

I pulled him into a tight hug. We weren't inside the stadium just in the little gap between the stands and the walls of the stadium. It was right next to the entrance into the stadium.

I look up and see people including the rest of the group looking down at me. George, Liv and Gabrielle's head disappears from there and I don't see them anymore.

I close my eyes and focus on Cedric.

" Thank you for catching me, I thought that was how i was going to die."

" No worries Love."

I started tearing up. I sniffed. Cedric rubbed my back to soothe me.

I heard footsteps and let go of Cedric. I turned to the direction of the steps and saw the professors approaching us. The I heard more footsteps and saw Liv, Gabrielle and George walking towards me.

" Are you okay, ms Potter?" Professor Mcgonagall asks me.

Dumbledore was behind her followed by the rest of the professors. Professor Sprout emerged and ran to me. 

" Oh child, are you alright? Are you hurt?" She asks with the most motherly voice.

" Yes, i'm fine." I assured her.

" We better get her to Mdm Pomfrey." Dumbledore suggests. They all agreed and we all walk to Mdm Pomfrey. All the professors except Mcgonagall, Sprout and Dumbledore had gone back to the stands to watch the game.

We walk to the champions tent. Cedric's hand was on my lower back just in case I fall. Liv, Gabrielle and George was walking behind us.Dumbledore held the curtain open for all of us. Inside was Harry and Fleur. Harry and Fleur run towards us.

" What happened?" Fleur asked.

Mcgonagall asked her to move very kindly. 

' what happened?' Harry asked.

' I fell from the stands. Malfoy pushed me.'

" WHAT!!!" He now shouts.

The rest, not having heard our conversation, looked at him questionably.

" Mr Potter! Your sister is trying to get to Mdm Pomfrey in peace. Please do not shout!" Mcgonagall scolds him. I had to hold in my laughter. His face was red from embarrassment and anger. It was funny when those two emotions was put together. 

' now you know what it felt like in 1st year' I tease.

' shut up Nat.'

' whatever.'

We walked to Mdm Pomfrey at the back of the tent and i was sat on a bed. Mcgonagall and Sprout told Mdm Pomfrey everything that happened. Dumbledore left when they started because he had to judge the competition.

The rest listened to whatever happened. I just sat down and daydreamed. 

" Ms Potter?" Mdm Pomfrey called, pulling me out of my thoughts.

" Hmm?"

" Are you feeling okay?"

" Yea? Why?"

" Just asking, any headache? Racing of heartbeat?"

" Nope."

" She seems just fine." Mdm Pomfrey said turning to the rest.

" Alright then." Sprout mumbled.

Just then an explosion was heard or I thought it was an explosion, it was actually the cannon. Fleur had to go now, she gave me an apologetic smile and she left the tent. I wish i would cheer her on. She might be sad that i'm not cheering her on.

" Ms Potter may be dismissed."

" Thank you." I say and rush out. I walk back to my dorm and sit on the bed. I sit cross legged and stare at the wall. Liv and Gabrielle rush in soon after. I assume the boys did not want to invade the girls privacy or Liv just ordered them not to come up here.

" What happened? How did you fall?" Liv asked. Gabrielle just walked over and sat on my lap.

" Draco pulled me back and told me 'beginners luck for Diggory.' Then he said ' I don't understand why you love him so much." I wrapped my arms around Gabrielle and she rests her head on my shoulder.


" Ssssssshhhhhhh and yes i'm pretty sure it was Draco."

" What?" She was deep in thought.

Gabrielle shifts on me and looks up.

" Do you want to say something?" I ask her in a gentle voice. She nods and I smile.

" I saw Draco behind us." Her voice was precious.

" Then it must be Draco." Liv was still deep in thought.

" Now that I think about it, I saw Draco too." She finally broke out from her thoughts. We walk out of the dorm and I end up in the arms of Cedric.

We walk to the lake and meet up with Fleur.

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