Chapter 34 Book 6-7

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It has been a few days and from the edge of the forest, there were always people walking and preparing something. After staring and studying it. I realised it was a funeral. I guess I'll just wait then find out whose funeral it is.

A few days later, a bunch of people showed up. I looked closer and breathed a sigh of relief. I saw everyone I was worried about. If everyone was there......... then whose funeral was it?

" In memory of Albus Dumbledore-" After the announcer said that I was done. I started tearing up. Oh god. It wasn't my friends. It was the headmaster. The centaurs seemed to have heard it to as they all bowed their heads down to the once most powerful wizard to have roamed the earth.

I bowed my head as tears streamed down my face. I wiped my tears and stayed to the end of the funeral. The centaurs walked to the edge of the forest to watch while I just stayed in the shadows so that no one could see me.

I see Harry looking around but I didn't move so he wouldn't notice and see me. I was too tired and exhausted to make myself invisible.

The children were also here. Kenzie was with me so that they wouldn't see her either. 

Harry stopped looking around and stuck to looking forward. I looked closer and saw a tear roll down his face. Tears were streaming down Liv's and Hermione's. Cedric has a tear rolling down as well. Cho was crying but like an in between. Not too little and not too much.

I walked forward slightly but tripped and fell. My powers stopped me before I hit the ground and now I was levitating an inch from the ground. Kenzie shrieked kind of softly. I look up and saw Harry looking over. Then the rest of the group did too. 

They couldn't see me or Kenzie. They might have seen the hue of red from my magic though. Be cause they started looking closer. Harry got out of his seat. No one saw him though. He started walking closer. Kenzie bent down towards me as I grabbed her hand and we teleported to a tree further behind.

Harry walked in but got stopped by the centaurs.

" Where do you think you're going?" Bane asks him.

" I saw something. I was just curious." Harry replies looking at where I was.

" There is no one there. It was either the wind or one of our children." Bane says protecting Kenzie and I.

" Right. I'm sorry for disturbing you." Harry shakes his head slightly and walks back to his seat.

The group was looking at him. Liv turned slightly and saw my head peeking out from behind the tree. Her eyes opened wide. She mentally told me WTF! You were here all along!? 

I nod my head and pull my fingers across my lips to signify keep quiet. She nods and turns back to the funeral. I didn't want to erase her memories because for some reason, there was this feeling inside of me that was just telling me not to.

After the funeral, everyone left, including Liv. We all went back to our stations and were back to being alert.

Nothing happened for the next month. Until one day a piece of paper fell into the forest. I picked it up and read it.  Harry was the No.1 wanted wizard? That was insane. What on earth did he do?

I didn't want to go check as I might get discovered. What would the headline be? Witch was found with magical powers? Hah! Sarcasm is amazing......

I tried to keep it off my mind but it kind of terrified me. There was already this eerie fog and darkness in the wizarding world but it seemed to be worse with time. 

Then probably a month or so later. I saw something that I probably would've wanted a prewarning about.

A protection spell was being cast over hogwarts. Which means.................. War. 

I warned the other groups and now everyone was alert and on their toes. There were death eaters walking all around the dome. I cast my powers and made all of us invisible.

I heard neville shouting from the bridge. I mentally slapped my hand on my face. The shield would go down eventually, don't provoke them.

I was right. The shield started coming down. I looked back at the centaurs, silently telling them I was leaving. I mentally told Kenzie that if anything happens she has to use her powers. This little 10 year old was smart and strong physically and mentally.

I started walking slowly to the shield. The death eaters started running towards the bridge. The bridge was breaking and I saw Neville fall. I lifted my hands and caught him with my powers. I put him back on the bridge.

My powers were invisible to him and so was I. He looked genuinely confused at who saved him. He shouted thanks and ran into the castle. I teleported inside and I was in the midst of the fight.

I avoided the spells and I ended up teleporting to the tallest window. Standing on the small crack, using my powers to stabilize myself. I was using my powers to crack the necks of death eaters exactly when a spell hit them so that it would seem like the witch or wizard killed them and not some invisible person.

I managed to kill all of the death eaters in this room and I flew out to another. At this point, I saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, one of his goons, Fred and Percy running out of a room. Fred tiredly leaned against a wall. 

Then the wall exploded. I quickly used my powers to create a protective dome around all of them so the debris won't injure them. Once the debris settles, I used my powers to remove it from the domes and removed the domes. They looked shocked nonetheless but at least I protected them.

I helped around the castle until everyone paused and looked like they were hearing something. I was confused. Then they started slowly walking around and moving the dead bodies to the great hall.

What the hell is going on?

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