Chapter 23 book 4

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I woke up with people shaking me.

" What now?" I groan.

" Nat! You are getting your ass out of bed!" Hermione scolds me.

" Unless you want me to call Cedric." Liv suggests with a smug tone.

" No!" I shot up. I quickly got dressed with the help of my powers and ran out of the dorm with the two behind me.

I look down at the living room and see Cedric on the couch

I turn the three of us invisible and we run out of the common room when the group infront of us did. We walk the hallway to the great hall still invisible and I turn us visible not seeing our surroundings.

Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Sprout were having a conversation, walking our way when we turned visible.

They both jumped.

" Merlin's beard!" Professor Sprout exclaimed.

" Children, what is going on?" Professor Mcgonagall asked us.

" Nothing." Me and Hermione said.

" Nat found out she had extra powers." Liv accidentally blurted. She always blurts these things under pressure, only to Professors.

Me and Hermione sighed.

" What powers? Ms Potter?" Professor Sprout asked.

" It's complicated, Professor." I try to get myself out of this.

" No, you will explain what the bloody hell is going on!" Professor Mcgonagall says sternly.

We all share a look.


' What now?'

' HELP!'

' Where are you'

'the corridor towards the great hall.'

' on my way.'

Soon later, Harry and Ron comes sprinting down the hallway.

" MR POTTER! MR WEASLEY! STOP RUNNING!" Professor Mcgonagall scolds.


This caught the attention of both teachers. I quickly turned the three of us invisible and we run to the great hall.

' Thanks Harry.'

' What did i just witness.'

' Us turning invisible?'

' cool.'

' What chaos did you cause in the courtyard?'

' Nothing?'

' I'll help.'

I quickly teleport to the courtyard, still invisible. I start a small fire and teleport back to the great hall.

Hermione and Liv were now visible to the rest. They looked terrified.

I walk up to them.

" What happened?"

They both jumped.

" After we walked in, we only made it here when we somehow turned visible again, we were calling for you but you weren't there." Hermione explains in a whisper.

I made them invisible again and we ran out of the great hall. I turned us visible again at an empty hallway. I look out the window and see that the fire i caused had escalated.

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