Chapter 6 book 1

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Natalie's POV

I walk into my dorm and realised that Twinkle is asleep in my pocket. She must've seen all that drama. I put her into the small bed I made and tucked her in with on of my T-shirts. I pack my bag for tomorrow before lying on my bed and letting sleep take over me.

I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me. " What to do want?" I say.

" Wake up, it's breakfast." Liv says

" Ugh, fine."

I get up and walk towards the bathroom and get ready. I walk out and see Liv sitting on my bed playing with Twinkle. I pick twinkle up and walk downstairs seeing Cedric on the couch already, but something was off, that's when i notice Romilda Vane on the couch next to him.

She turned around and saw me before Cedric did. How did she get in to our common room?

She leaned in and kissed Cedric, I felt a pang of emotions hit me, I didn't know what it was but I felt myself tearing up. I looked up and blinked rapidly and waited patiently for all the tears to disappear.

I grabbed Liv's hand and walk out of the common room without looking at Cedric once. I heard Cedric calling me from behind but i chose to ignore him and walk to the great hall for breakfast. When we sit down Liv puts her arm around my shoulder as I leaned into her letting my tears flow freely but i made sure not to crush twinkle.

Someone tapped my shoulder making me turn around. I saw Hermione looking at me with concern in her eyes.

" Are you okay Natalie?"

" Yea i'm fine."

I look behind her and see Harry and Ron staring at me.

' What's your problem stop staring.'

' I told you he was bad news.'

'  How would you know it's him.'

' He's not here is he.'

' and since when have you been so smart.'

Hermione and Liv were shaking me telling me that my eyes have turned red and those that saw backed away immediately, even Ron seemed scared.

" Sorry i was talking to harry." I explain.

" How is that possible?" Olivia asks

" I've read about that it's called Telepathy communication." Hermione explained.

" Cool." Liv says

' How are your eyes red then?" 

" I have no idea."

Hermione seems to be thinking hard.

" Can you try to imagine yourself with any colour hair that's not black?" Hermione asks.

I imagine myself with hazel beach waved hair and i opened my eyes. Liv stood there with a shocked expression while Hermione looked proud. I looked at them confused.

" What?"

Hermione pulls out a mirror and faces it to me. I stare at myself and I have beach waves that are hazel brown.

" You're a metamorphmagus, it means you can change your appearance at will."

" Cool." I try turning my eyes back to my green eyes which worked with ease.

" I'm going to the library now, see you later." Hermione says before walking out of the great hall.

I turn back and finish my food. I placed Twinkle onto the table and fed her some food and pumpkin juice before walking back to the common room with Liv. I walked in first and saw Cedric sitting in the same place but Romilda was no where to be found. Cedric stood up and walked towards me but i walked around him and picked up the books I had left on the coffee table and walked on the opposite side of the couch he was standing at and walked upstairs completely ignoring his calls.

" Are you sure you're not gonna talk to him?" Olivia asks as we walk into our dorm.

" Of course i'm sure Liv, if i wasn't I would be talking to him now."

" Hey! Since when did i say you can call me Liv."

" I don't know, but i'll call you Liv whether you like it or not."

I grab my book and bag before waiting for Liv to finish packing her bags. 

" Oh i forgot to put Twinkle in her bed." I put Twinkle down and we both leave the dorm.

I looked to the couch and don't see Cedric anywhere, part of me felt sad because i wanted to have the feeling that Cedric did still want to be my friend but the other part felt relieved that i didn't have to see him or i would get frustrated again.

I walked out of the common room and we both walked to transfirguration class. We sat down with Hermione in the desk in front of us. I read my book while Hermione and Liv chatted. I looked around and realised Harry and Ron were missing.

'where the hell are you?'

' Ron and i are lost.'

I mentally roll my eyes but put my hand up.

" Yes ms Potter?" Professor Mcgonagall said.

" My brother and Ron is lost can I find them?" I ask as politely as possible

" Of course, and how do you know?" She asked but when she said the second part of her sentence i was already at the door.

" Telepathy Communication, ask Hermione!" I shout running out the door.

' Where are you?'

' We are at moving staircases.'

' I see you.' I say as i make my way to the moving staircases.

I give them the directions and we make it back to the classroom to Hermione explaining what Telepathy Communication is. I see Professor Mcgonagall as a cat on the desk and try my best to hold back my laugh when Ron sighed in relief. I walked back to my desk and kept on giggling with Hermione and Liv when the duo were getting scolded by Mcgonagall.

" If Ms Potter wouldn't have told me you got lost and help find you both, I don't think any of you would have showed up to my class." Professor Mcgonagall said

" Oh by the way Nat, thanks for mentioning me before you left, it felt good to finally have attention and share."

" No problem, i mean you were the one that told me about it first anyway."

After a long day of school it was dinner time, I got Liv to bring lunch up to the dorm so i could avoid Cedric and turns out i was right, he was at the great hall looking for me. I walked down for dinner though because if he was there i was finally ready to talk to him.

We step into the great hall and i see Cedric sit at his usual spot with my usual spot next to him. I whisper to Liv that we switch seats and she agreed supporting my idea. We split and she walks the side i usually walk and i walk hers. I sit down directly opposite Cedric and he is staring at me. 

" Evy, can we talk privately." He asks.

I think for a moment, " Fine," I turn to Olivia, " If i don't return within 20 minutes bring me and T some food in our dorm."

I get up and walk towards the doors with Cedric behind me.

" What do you want to talk about?"

I turn around once we step out, the hallway is empty so my words echo throughout the hallway.

" I-"

The twin with powers ( HP ff )Where stories live. Discover now