Chapter 24 book 4

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Mcgonagall's POV

I was sitting in my office and looking out of the window when I saw Natalie pull Harry out on the courtyard.

She sits down on a rock and lifts her hand out.

A small fire then appears then disappears. There was no conversation physically but I was confident they were having a mental conversation.

This was probably what ' new found powers' Olivia blurted that time.

She continued showing him her powers. She teleported behind him, giving him a fright.

" Marvellous." I muttered under my breath.

Natalie's POV

After that ' session' with Harry, i walked to the dorms to meet Liv, Hermione and Fleur.

" You showed Harry." Hermione said as I walked in.

" He is part of the friend group." I retort.

They shrug.

" He's my brother for god sake."

" Fine."

" We can only have people in your family and this friend group know." Fleur says.

" I know."

" Let's go to Potions." Liv said.

We split off from Hermione and Fleur and made our way to the classroom.

I turned my eyes green and my hair ginger before walking into the classroom. I help fix Liv's messy hair and turn her eyes green to match mine.

We sit in the corner of the classroom and wait for Snape to walk in. He walks in and his eyes immediately went to me. I don't cower like most people but sit up straighter and more confidently.

He then turned his eyes away. The very boring lesson finished and I walk out with Liv.

" What now?" I ask her.

" Let's go prank people."

" Why not?" I shrug my shoulders.

I turn us invisible when we reach an empty corridor. We walk around to find anyone we can prank. We turn the corridor and see Cedric with Cho.

I smirk knowing that they are going to be my first target. I make me visible to Liv and Liv visible to me but visible to no one else.

" You could do that?" She whispered.

" Yea?"

" Let's go."

I giver her a knowing look and we walk forward. I lift my hand and make the drink Cho was drinking boil. It starts bubbling and she drops it.

" Owww! It's hot."

 She shrieks. People turn and look at her.

' want to humiliate her?' I ask Liv in her mind.

She nods and i start to mess with Cho's mind. I make her see flying fairies.

" Oohh look, fairies. They are so cute. Right Ced?" She says.

Cedric looked confused but people around were laughing. I blocked them out so Cho couldn't hear.

" I didn't know you were so powerful." Liv whispered.

I shrugged. I now stopped everything that i did to Cho.

" Cho, is there something wrong with you? Are you high on something?"

" Huh? What do you mean, i don't understand."

Cedric shakes his head and walks away. Halfway, I make him feel a really bad headache. He puts his hand to his head. I then stop it. He looks around confused and walks away.

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