Chapter 31 book 4

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" I'll choose Nat's side." Gabrielle tells them and I teleport her over to me. Gabrielle lifts her hand out to Fleur.

" What about you, sister?" Gabrielle asks Fleur.

Fleur looks at me and nods. I teleport her over to my side as well. The other side is now left with Ron, Hermione, Liv and Cedric.

" Who are you choosing?" I ask them. 

" You." Hermione told me. I teleport her over. I guess Ron couldn't help staying with his crush so he grabbed her hand and got teleported here as well. 

" Nat, I don't want to go against either of you." Liv says.

" Really?"

" Of course. Why would I want to go against either on of my best friends?"

" Then stay on the side." I teleport her to the side of the clearing. I bind her there and stop her hearing.

" Come on then, you're the one who lied to us." I mock Cedric.

" Evy, this isn't you." At the nickname I get madder, furious with him. My hair turned red, my eyes were glowing red, and my powers have made it to the point where it could kill anyone the millisecond they were to touch it.

" I don't need you to tell me who I am." I tell him as I shot my powers at him. ( If you know where i got the inspo and this quote, I LOVE YOU! Message me and we shall be friends!!!)

He shoots a curse at me but I block it. He shoots another curse, it was green. It was quite powerful so I protected the group in a dome and the curse shoots upwards. Cedric was panting and so was I. 

Mcgonagall's POV

I was having my regular afternoon lesson when all of a sudden i see a green light shoot up into the sky from the forbidden forest. My class turns and looks at the light as well.

" Class, please calm down, we will see to this matter. Class dismissed." I tell them.

I walk to Dumbledore's office and other professors were already there.

" What is that green light all about?" I ask them.

" We aren't sure, all we know is that it came from the forbidden forest." Dumbledore replies.

" Let's go check it out then." Snape suggests. We all agree and walk out of the schools with our wands held tightly in our hands.

Natalie's POV

The green spell shoots upwards and I block it. The shield breaks and Cedric and I are left panting though he was panting harder than I was. I quickly caught my breath and lifted my hands again. We started fighting. Just Cedric and I. 

I shot my magic and him and he shot spells at me. Soon, I heard some footsteps coming from the edge of the forest, 100 km away from us.

I quickly stop the fight and teleport us to Liv's dorm. I teleport the guys to Harry and Ron's dorm.

" Nat, what happened?" Liv asked. She looks around.

" Someone well, people were walking in." I explain. That's when it clicked.

" FUCK!" I scream and teleport back to the forest. I used my mental powers and told all of the centaurs to protect their kids and that there were people entering the forest.

I muttered a quick prayer for their safety and I teleported back to the dorm.

" Nat, where did you go?" Hermione asked me.

" To warn the centaurs."

" Nat, they're dangerous." Liv tells me.

" You guys have no idea what they've done for me."

" They basically saved her life." Kenzie pipes in. I smiled gratefully at her.

" Where did the boys go?" Fleur asked.

" Harry's dorm." I sit down on what used to be my bed.

" Why did you want to go missing?" Gabrielle asked.

" I didn't know what else I could do, I could harm you guys. My jealousy was controlling me. I did it to protect you guys. I only came back at the ball because one of the centaurs urged me to. Jealousy took over again and I left." I explain.

" Natalie, I'm so sorry." Cho looked down.

" It's okay. I don't blame you. I only blame one person." I mutter the last part. Pure venom running in my veins.

" Please don't tell anyone about me." I tell them.

" Of course." Fleur assures me. 

The door bursts open and Hannah walks in. I turn around and she sees me. She drops her books and screams. She runs out of the dorm before any of us could say anything.

" There goes no one knowing about me." I groan. We. wait a few minutes in silence and I heard footsteps running towards the dorms. I use my powers and lock the door though I know there is no use.

The knob started shaking and I just know that there was a bunch of people on the other side. I watch as the lock slowly breaks and the door falls off its hinges. The first person there is Draco.

" Natalie?" He gasps in shock and so did the bunch of people behind him. We all stared in silence for a few minutes before a really sharp high pitch ringing sounded in my ears. I fell on my knees at the sound.

" Nat! Natalie!" My friends ran to me. My hands flew up to my ears.

" Stop! Make it stop!" I scream. Then I recognised it, the sound. My eyes flew open, glowing red. The people at the door took several steps back, away from me. I clenched my jaw. I stood up and teleported back to the forest.

I watch from the side and see Snape using a spell and hitting a centaur. 

" Stop!" I teleport in and use my powers to deflect the spell. The professors gasped.

" Ms Potter?" Mcgonagall studied me as if to see if I was real.

" Yes, I am real, and I have powers. Don't harm them, they were the ones who saved my life, if you were to be hurting someone it should be me, I was the one that ran away. Not them." I tell the professors.

" Please, come back to the school." Dumbledore half ordered.

Thanks for reading! What do you think Natalie's answer will be? Comment below.

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