chapter 26 book 4

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I close my eyes and let my tears flow freely. Bane walked over and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. He pulled me in a hug.

" Sssshhhh it's ok."

" Bane?"

" Hmm?"

" Is it wrong to see you as my father figure even though i met you yesterday?"

" No, it's not wrong."

" Was it wrong to free them?"

" Depends on what reason."

" I'm not in the right state to take care of them, they'll be neglected."

" Why would you think that is wrong?"

" I don't know."

" Well, it wasn't wrong, it was the best thing you could've done for them."

I nod and sit on the ground. Bane sits next to me and I lay my head on his back.

" Don't you need to sleep?"

" I don't feel tired."

" That's unhealthy."

" Or a new power."

" How is that a power?"

" The power of not needing to sleep."

" Makes sense."

" I don't feel like attending lessons today or anymore."

" Why not?"

" I just feel drained, mentally."

" You need the education."

" For what?"

" To use."

" But i have my powers, there's no use for that magic, I don't even use my wand."

" That's understandable."

" I'll just skip every lesson."

" You'll go to detention."

" Not if they can't find me."

" Natalie! You're not hiding here."

" Then i'll run."

" To where?"

" Anywhere."

" You can stay here."

" Thank you, really. I owe you."

" You could do things for us."

" Like what?"

" Resources."

" Of course."

" Follow me." I followed Bane further into the forest and came to a spot with hundreds of centaurs. They all took an arrow and aimed it at me.

" Please, she is an ally." Bane told them. They put their arrows down.

He brought me to the middle. Two centauurs walked out.

" Nice to meet you, I am Firenze, this is Ronan." Firenze said.

" Same here, I'm Natalie Potter."

" A potter?" Ronan asked.

" Yes."

" As in the twin of the one i met 3 years ago?" Firenze asked.

" I assume so."

" She has powers that could help us." Bane told them.

" Example?" Ronan asked me.

" What do you need?"

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