"It's going to be okay. I know you'll tell me eventually, just know I'm here for you. Always" he pats my back and walks to the locker room to shower.

I follow and do the same. And now it's for my last class of the day.

Art appreciation.

I needed an elective for this semester to graduate and that's what I got stuck with.

Now I'll be Picasso, a professional basketball player, a dad, and the Don of the Italian-American mafia.



Art appreciation was not what I expected it to be. At least Bren was in the class with me. We're partners now for a project. We have to do one what makes you happy but through a visual portrait. We spent the whole time talking shit.

He told me him and Lexie are done. Something happened over break and he didn't want it to get anymore serious than it was. Pretty much he was catching feelings and cut it off. I understand him but Lexie is a cool girl. He'll realize it one day and might not be the best way either when she will have someone else eventually.

I'm walking to the coffee shop across campus to pick up a comfort drink for Camila. She's been feeling shitty lately with morning sickness so maybe a drink she loves will make her feel better. I order her a caramel macchiato with coconut milk so dairy doesn't hurt her stomach and decaf coffee. I also get two banana breads because those are so good and I'm starving.

I turn around from collecting my order and I bump into someone. I look down and see a redhead. What's her name again?

"Sebastian" she says coyly and I get a whiff of her perfume which is overpowering my senses and putrid for my liking. I hold my breath and breathe through my mouth and instantly regret it because now I taste it.

I look down at her and give her a nod. I don't remember her name but she looks familiar. Did we fuck?

"Hi..." I scratch my neck feeling uncomfortable.

"You don't remember my name do you?" She scoffs and grabs her order and steps in front of me again not letting me pass. I don't want to be near this girl and luckily no one is in here witnessing this embarrassment except for the workers and a student across the table on the computer.

I keep my face neutral and flatten my lips into a thin line. Showering her my silence is the answer.

"You really are an asshole huh?" She says shaking her head. "It's Marisa" she purses her lips like it's suppose to mean something to me.


"Well it was uh... whatever this was Alyssa but I got to go now." I walk past her but before opening the door she shrieks "it's Marisa!!"

Marisa, Alyssa I don't fucking care.

It's Camila for me.


A comforting aroma fills my senses, now this I can smell.

Lavender and spice and all things Camila.

I set the drink down and brown bag on the island enjoying the scene in-front of me. Camila is cooking churrazco with asparagus and brown rice with black beans. ( a type of steak)

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