Sebastian turns on the television, he's sitting right next to me holding my hand, and immediately an image pops up. A blank space with a tiny dot.

Our baby.

My tears stream down my face, emotions running high. My other hand clamps over my mouth to keep my sobs at bay. Sebastian kisses my temple and squeezes my hand three times.

I love you

The doctor zooms in on his computer and we see the egg sack and a tiny dot. He starts measuring the size and checking if everything is okay.

"Okay this is your baby, you are pregnant. You are approximately five to six weeks pregnant. We can listen to the heart beat if you want?"

We both nod our heads eagerly. He clicks something and immediately you hear a light drumming noise loud and clear. Healthy heart beat.

"Congratulations Sebastian and Camila" Vincenzo says in his thick Italian accent.

We took pictures and recorded the whole video on our phones.
The doctor tells me more things I'll need and then leaves us be.

I'm on an adrenaline high, that was the best feeling in the world being able to hear your baby's heartbeat. Sebastian walks back over to me with tears in his eyes and gives me the biggest hug. I sigh and relax in his arms. Nowhere else I'd rather be.


We're on the plane going back to Florida now. I'm currently sitting on the floor in this tiny bathroom puking my life away. I haven't been able to keep anything down all morning. I don't know if it's because I'm anxious or the pregnancy symptoms but I'm breaking out in sweats.

Sebastian comes in and sits down next to me and gives me a cold water bottle. I drink a few sips and immediately vomit it back up.

I start crying because I feel like I'm dying.

"Baby it's going to be okay, we'll be home soon. I already ordered you prenatales and these candies that take away the nausea." He rubs my back in a soothing motion and I instantly start to feel myself relax.

He's my safe place, my person. I don't think I'd be able to get through with this without him. He's been the best so far and with the way he's treating me I know he'll make an amazing father to our baby.


We arrived at his house not too long ago. We agreed for me to stay here for the night and we go to the apartment tomorrow. He says he's going to be with me every night unless there's an away game.
Speaking of games, he has two this week so he'll be really busy practicing. I go back to classes tomorrow anyways and then I start working again next week.

I yawn and wrap the covers over my body. Today was a long day.

Sebastian walks in holding two hot teas hoping it'll let me sleep tonight without have nausea. The airplane turbulence didn't help either.

"Mmm thank you baby" I smile and sit up taking a mug from him.

He kisses my forehead and goes to his desk. "No problem mi amore" my love

Butterflies swirl in my stomach and thankfully this time it's not nausea. He recently started calling me that and I love it. Sometimes I make him say random words just so I can hear him speak because his Italian accent is divine.

He pulls out his guitar, I've heard him play maybe one time and that was months ago. He's a very private person and no one knows he plays except Liam and I.

He starts strumming the cords and humming a melody. "What song are you humming? It's sounds beautiful" I tell him in hope that he might share something with me.

He continues to hum and then stops, taking out the notebook and a pen he's always writing in from his desk drawer. He turns to look at me and bites his bottom lip and releases it.

"I write music for fun. I have songs in this notebook that no one has ever heard of. It's like an escape for me besides basketball. When I'm stressed out or feeling down, it's brings me an escape to write my feelings down. When I use to go to a therapist years ago, they suggested to find an outlet and this is mine." He walks over to me and sits in front of me and passes me the notebook.

It's a black leather notebook with his name engraved in the front of it.
I feel the notebook on my fingers, how you can tell the edges of the book has been used plenty of times.

"Open it" I look up and see him playing with the cords.

I mean if you insist.

I open the book and scribbles and doodles on the first pages. Music notes and his name written a couple times. A few tattoos that he has on his body also drawn here. I turn the page and freeze. My name. Well the name he calls me.


He starts humming a melody again and playing the song I'm reading.
"You remember each one?" I ask him as I keep turning the pages looking at all the songs and notes he has written in here.

"I remember all of them. Uh..." his cheeks turn pink and he looks flustered. He clears his throat.

"Um I have different notebooks. This one is about you. Since I met you three years ago..."

My heart is beating so fast I feel like that's all you can hear in the room. This man is romantic.

"Every song portrays to the way you make me feel in that moment and how I feel with you in every moment. I knew I loved you three years ago when I started writing songs about you."

I put my palm on my heart and take a deep breath.

"Can you play one for me?" I bite the side of my cheek nervously.

Sebastian clears his throat and nods his head.

He plays me a beautiful melody that I can dance to and it brings a smile to my face. My body feels warm and fuzzy and content. It's not too fast or not too slow. I start swaying my body and close my eyes picturing myself dancing in the studio.

Happiness. Liberating. Love.



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Thank you for reading my book😭
It means the world to me that someone out there would read something lil me would write.

Just, thank you.

We still got a long way to go.

Camila is pregnant! Who thought that was going to happen?



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