"Guys, I'm going to call the Chemistry teacher. We have him now," Godiyah Sanusi said as students started back- lashing her.

"Are you Mad. We are struggling to do Our Assignment and you are on your way to do over sabi, try it!" Janet yelled as the idiot came back to her seat.

If there was any one Godiya Sanusi was afraid of, it was Janet. One word from Janet was enough to calm her down.

School went by in a jiffy. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hours. We were finally done with school.

I spotted Miranda coming over to my table. Miranda was a small not too chubby yet simple girl. She was an all rounder. She could play Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer and track events.

She was the best at swimming too but I could play basketball better than she could. She was already 16, yes she was 16 but she was very small. She could even audition for the role of a Jss1 or Grade 4 student, but I wouldn't tell her that to her face.

"Kam, your birthday is next month oo. Aren't you throwing a party!" Mimi asked sounding like a chipmunk

"I would've thrown a party but it's on a Friday and school too." I replied as I Opened my Capri Sonné and started drinking.

"See excuse, mtcheew!" Mimi hissed as she put on her lip gloss.

"Fridays are for what?" Halita asked as she drank from her Bobo.

"Parties!!!" Miranda yelled.

"Saturdays are for what?" Halita asked.

"Owambe's" Mimi yelled again adding unneccesary syllables to the word.

My friends really are crazy. I didn't even realise that Halita was here too.

"Halita, where did you get Bobo from, its Scarce now oo." Miranda said as she snatched the Bobo from Halita.

Bobo was a Nigerian drink specially loved by kids which was really scarce now. Its been years since I last saw it.

"I know oo. My dad got it from Kano." she said as she brought out another bottle of Bobo and started drinking from it.

"Halita, its plenty oo. Give me one nah," I begged as she hissed and threw the bottle over to my side.

I noticed Jason stood up from his locker and stretched out his hands and legs.

He was so cool.

"David, do we have practice today?" he asked David immediately David entered the class.

"Coach canceled Practice." David sighed as he draped his bag around his arm.

As if on cue, I saw both of them walk up to meet us where we both were.

"Earth to Emerald! Where is your mind!" Halita yelled as she tapped me and I quickly removed my eyes from them not to be caught staring.

"Hey" David said as he muttered a simple greeting to us both.

David's Mom was currently battling with Cancer. It was all over the news that Kasarachi Jelanie Obinna had Cancer.

"How is your mom?" Miranda asked as she came down from the table she was sitting on and straightened her skirt.

"She's better. She's going for Mammogram next week" He said and I couldn't help but pity for him.

I didn't know that her case was that severe.

"Kam, can I talk to you for a while?" Jay asked as he showcased his white teeth.

That really took me down memory lane. It reminded me of when his teeths pulled out in 5th Grade.

In primary school, he used to mock me about my ugly frontiers that were missing. When he lost his both teeths at the front I rubbed it in his face.

"I know it's about the project, see I've been busy." I told him as I played with my fingers.

"Busy, Busy, Busy. That's how we'll lose our 40 marks and you'll still say you were busy. I love my marks...." He said.

"Fine let's go to your house" I replied as I cut him short.

"Your car or Mine?" he asked as I put some books in my bag

"Both. I'll follow you" I told him as I took my bag and we left, after telling goodbye to our Friends.

Sips hot Atarodo*

So guys, we have our 3rd chapter and I want to apologize for not updating on Thursday. I lost my charger and I was so busy.

So, any thoughts on Miranda, Halita and David.

Thanks for 40+ reads. You guys are the best abeg. I love you guys.

*Just added this for the Non-nigerian readers

Owanbe is the Yoruba word for party but is now commonly used by Nigerians.

BTW, who else loves Omah lay and have you heard his new album "BOY ALONE". That album is goals Mhen.


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