Chapter 1- Vaccine

Start from the beginning

Y/N- Sure. I could use a walk.

As we leave the lab, we pass by an open door, leading into an office where someone is watching news.

TV- Public outrage on the rise with the number of reports of the deaths, caused by the Angello virus. Professor Angello, who discovered and named the virus, stated this morning that...

The sound of the TV gets lost as soon as we reach the cafeteria.

Jimin- Here we are, let me remember... Black, no milk or sugar?

Y/N- You have a perfect memory.

 Jimin- Let's test yours, then. What kind of coffee do I like?

Y/N- Hey, I didn't agree to a test. I better get a reward if I guess it right.

Jimin- Fait enough. What do you want?

Y/N- A sample or two from your mentor's desk wouldn't hurt..

Jimin- No

Y/N- Well don't blame a girl for trying. If I was allowed to examine those tissues..

Jimin- It's too dangerous. We don't even know what it is yet, only that it's a carrier.

Y/N- I thought you believe in my research.

Jimin- That doesn't mean, I'll expose the Angello virus intentionally. I'm Anita's assistant, I'm not allowed anywhere near those samples... Exactly how would I get them to you?

Y/N- I guess I don't want anything, then. I've always hated guessing games.

Jimin- We've known each other for a year now. It should be easy for you.

Y/N- Fine. Same as me. 

Jimin- Incorrect. I like my coffee sweet and creamy.

Y/N- Ugh. How can you?

Jimin- I could ask you the same. I would imagine the coffee you drink tastes like death and decay.

Y/N- Well.. I mean.. Get your damn coffee.

We enjoy the coffee in silence, and my thoughts start to wander.

Jimin- Y/N? I thought the coffee would make you more alert. 

Y/N- Yes, sorry. I'm just dreading the return to the lab.

Jimin- Is someone giving you trouble again?

Y/N- I just...don't feel accepted. And I fell like they might be pranking me. Yesterday, I came back to my desk to find my papers all mixed up. Took me ages to get them in the right order.

Jimin- I'm sorry about that. Next time something like that happens let me know, and I'll bring it up with my mentor. She'll know how to address it.

Y/N- I appreciate that Jimin, but I'll be fine.


Y/N- Thank you for the conversation and the coffee.

Jimin- You're welcome. I'll see what I'll do about those samples.

Y/N- You'd do that for me? Thank you so much.

Jimin- I won't steal anything for you, but maybe I could ask my mentor to give you access to her notes.

Y/N- That would be wonderful.

Jimin- I have some free time before I had to return to my desk. D you need help ?

Y/N- Actually, I would really appreciate that.

Unexpectedly, Jimin's eyes light up with something that looks like a little excitement.

Jimin- I need to change my gloves. Where do you keep them?

I point towards the desk drawer. He takes his gloves and put then in a few quick practised moments.

Jimin- Now. Give me an insight into your process.

 And just like that, I launch myself into a thorough explanation of all the things I've tried and failed to do.

Y/N- As far as we know... the virus affects human and animals alike, and we haven't been able to produce medication yet.

Jimin- But we have managed to extend the life expectancy of infected humans with the findings of professor Angello.

Y/N- Right, but the only thing that gets us is a few more days of suffering for the poor people, and nobody has been able to find an actual cure.

Jimin- That's because the structure of the virus is unusual.

Y/N- The structure is not what I'm worried about. It's the behaviour.

Jimin- What do you mean?

Y/N- Soon after I first attempted to create a treatment, I realized that the Angello virus reacts...strangely to everything I've tried. We've suspected for a while that the virus is man-made right?

Jimin- The theory is pretty much accepted these days...

Y/N- Right. But it's like... I could swear that whoever made it wanted to make sure it was indestructable.

 Jimin- It's the deadliest virus we've ever seen. Infection guarantees death.

Y/N- Well that's just the thing. It doesn't. Or rather, it shouldn't, if it was perfect. But it's not.

Jimin-...I don't understand.

Y/N- Here, see for yourself.

I changed my gloves and led Jimin towards an expensive cutting-edge microscope, where I show him a sample blood of one of my infected rats. 

Jimin- Wham am I supposed to be seeing?

Y/N- Observe what happens, when I add my latest attempt at a cure to it.

I add a drop of my blue liquid and wait. Jimin's brows furrow as he concentrates.

Jimin- This looks normal so far...No wait, Hmm...

Y/N- You see it too right? I'm not crazy, it looks like..

Jimin- This can't be right.

Y/N- That's what I thought too but it happens everytime. My rats act as if their cells suddenly fire up, and then they overload and the infected rats die.

Jimin- Huh. What is causing that? The virus or your cure?

Y/N- I don't know. This is my biggest concern right now.

Jimin- Let me see your notes.

He doesn't even bother asking politely. We return to my desk and I let him look through my papers. The curiosity got to him. When it seems like the whole scientific world is focused on the virus, it's always exciting to see new breakthroughs. I just wish I could do something with this breakthrough, instead of just getting confused.

Jimin- Alright. Here's what we're going to try.

We spent a coupe or hours, discussing the possible actions I could take when synthesizing the liquid. Eventually, someone comes over. And tells Jimin that Professor Anita is looking for him.

Jimin- I've lost track of time. This has been enlightening.

Y/N- Kind of fun too, wouldn't you agree?

Jimin- yes. we should share notes more often. 

Y/N- I'll be looking forward to that.

He leaves and I immediately throw myself into my work. 

I lost track of time again but my muscles can't take it any longer. I have stretch my legs. I leave the lab without saying anything to my colleagues. Why should I bother letting them know I'm heading out? They all hate me anyway... Sometimes, I think a right to. Jimin says they're jealous of me. But why? We all have the same goal anyway.

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