Chapter 49: Hungry

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A/N~ Chapters 47-52 and a bonus were released at the same time make sure you didn't skip one <3


Valentino's pov

Fianly i'm done with this stupid mission. That was a waste of my time. They could have done it without me. I go through the front door seeing an empty house. The dogs are sleeping and no one is in sight. "Anna" I called out for her going upstairs. Still no answer. She's not in the boys room, our room is the laundry room. No one is here.

"Where are you bellissima?" I look around the house only seeing the dogs running around. Right there my phone goes off. "Anna, where are you?" I say as soon as I answer.

"Babe I'm in the hospital. The twins are sick, they haven't stopped throwing up for hours. Vico yes my love there going to make your tummy feel better. Yes Vittorio, I'm on the phone with him. Sorry babe yeah i'm stuck in a hospital with them right now. Did you just come home?"

"Yeah I did, let me know what room you guys are in i'll head that way right now"

"No no it's alright we're going to be here for a while you can sleep and come later"

"Fine I love you"

" I love you more" She hangs up. I take a quick shower before getting my keys driving to the hospital. I can't sleep knowing my kids are in the hospital. I park the car going inside rubbing my eyes. I need to buy a coffee. "Hi, can I know what room Vittiorio and Vico Marino are in?" I ask the lady in the front.

She searches it up asking me for my relationship to them. "He's their father, I'll bring him to them you can go on break now" Rory comes to the front telling the lady. She walks me over to room 1113 telling me she'll check on the boys in an hour.

I go inside Anna looks at me sighing. "Babe I told you that you could have stayed home sleeping" I brushed her off, getting the empty chair sitting next to her. "I wasn't going to leave you alone" She rested her head on my shoulder yawning. She's extremely tired but she's going to fight her sleep.

"I kept giving them liquid iv or pedialyte but Rory said they were still extremely dehydrated. They had a stomach ache yesterday and started throwing up not too long after you left. She has them on meds hopefully by tomorrow or Sunday they should be fine."

"You look extremely tired"

"I'm fine you need to sleep you've been out since almost 4 in the morning you need to sleep"

"Anna you've been with two sick kids and a three month old. I think you need more sleep than I do right now" Vittiorio starts moving. I rub his side and he opens his eyes looking at me. "Daddy" He motions for me to pick him up. I take him from the bed carefully trying not to take the IV out.

He rested his head on my chest, closing his eyes again. After a few minutes I lay him back down pulling Anna to my side. She hugs me tightly, starting to fall asleep.

Annabeth's pov

Thankfully after the boys got better the next day. Rory sent them home and just told me to watch over them and give them medicine. They are happy to be home. I am happy that they are better. It can be somewhat peaceful in the house now. "Mommy Ice cream" Vico says pointing to the freezer.

I take out the cookies n cream ice cream and put some in a bowl. "Come on baby" He rushes over to the couch. I feed him and Vittiorio some. Ares has been sleeping since 7. I'm about to put the twins down there falling asleep as I'm giving them the ice cream.

As soon as they got home they ran, jumped and flipped everywhere. "They only had two spoons of ice cream before passing out" I tell Val putting the plate in the sink. I give honey and silver a treat and they run to their beds eating it. "They like to sleep just like you do"

"I'm glad I didn't put to much Ice cream in it"

"I'm going to eat some of your ice cream when i'm done" I feel my face heat up I go into the room laying down. Val comes in not even two minutes later. "Babe i'm tired" Bullshit

"And i'm hungry now spread those legs baby"


Hey guys

Val is so sweet

warning from now The next bonus chapter is sad

Q/A~ What do you think is going to happen?

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Until we meet again <3

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