Chapter 11: Cyan

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Annabeth's pov

I walk inside to the building where I'm having an interview getting rushed. I didn't even find out about this until a few hours ago. I get mic'd up and is told to sit on the red chair. Marcello gives me a thumbs up. I see the light pop up where we are live.

The interviewer starts asking questions about everything. He talks to each one of us getting a feel of what we have to say. "What's one good memory you have of you and your father?" he asks dad sit's next to me ready to hear what I'm going to say.

"I was maybe about 2 1/2 or three. Everyone was at my house and I was sitting next to Uncle Enzo when mom told me dad was coming home. I was excited because he's still my dad. So she tells me to go wait by the door for her. Mom told me he brought me something but I was confused and asked her she said he didn't know either.

She showed me the message on her phone and I just stood there waiting with her. The door was unlocked and I hear him turning the knob so she tells me to go to the front. She has her phone out recording it. When he opens the door he sees me waiting and he has a huge smile on his face.

He brought me flowers

I was like ou flowers and got really happy. He bent on one knee handing me them , they were almost as big as me. He picked me up into his arms, hugging me tightly. He brought me purple roses. He knew purple was my favorite color. When he set me down I still had the flowers in my hand walking over to mom with a big smile.

I think that's one of the best memories I have with him because it was something least expected. Since I was young my fathers been showing me how special I was."

I smile reliving the memory that was so many years ago. Dad has the biggest smile on his face hugging me tightly. "I can't believe you remember that" He tells me I laugh. "I'd always remember that. You were the person who taught me what I was worth."

Giovanni takes dad's place and the interviewer asks me the same question. "I was 9 and Gio was maybe 12 or 13. Everyone was sleeping besides mom and dad when they had gone out. Santo was watching us with Rory so we had to be quiet. We went to the backyard with a bunch of snacks and a few blankets.

Giovanni took one of the blankets hanging them in the gazebo. We made a makeshift projector and he connected it to his laptop. We stood there for hours watching movies under the stars. I had told him it's something I wanted to do. When mom and dad came home they were looking for us with Rory and Santo. Eventually they found us we didn't even realize until dad touched my shoulder.

They were mad but we didn't get in trouble." Gio hugs me tightly, having a smile on his face.

"So tell us why aren't you with Valentino anymore?" The interviewer asks me and I sigh, reliving the memories of the years we spent together. The happy moments, the sad moments. Everything was me and him. My heart doesn't feel the same without him.

I look at the Interviewer simply saying "he needed more than me" he looks confused. "I don't understand you guys were the couple everyone thought would last till death do you guys part. I mean your beautiful and no doubt one of the most giving people"

"I know I did too but he needed more than me. Everyone says how beautiful I am. With such a smart mentally, I am the most thoughtful and caring person but in the end I'm not what he needed. He needed more than me and it looks like he found it. I'm glad he did. Everyone deserves happiness, it's just Valentino needed another source of happiness. I couldn't give him that."

"What about your happiness doesn't that matter as well?"

"I'll find happiness. It comes to a person when they least expect it. If In the future we end up back together it's amazing. If we don't it's still amazing because seeing a smile on his face while he looks at someone the way he used to look at me is my happiness."

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