Chapter 27: Rosa

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A/N~ Chapters 27-31 were released at the same time make sure you didn't skip one <3


Valentinos pov

"Come on we have to go to the hospital" Achilles looks at me sadly wiping his face. "What happened?" I ask following him sitting in the passenger seat.

"Marcello died, then Alessio passed out and Anna had a seizure. They're both in a double room right now under a sedative. They should be waking up any second now." He wipes his face as best as he can.

He steps on the gas getting to the hospital quickly. We rush to the second floor where Athena and Lucky stand outside their room. "There up they haven't said anything yet" Athena sighs looking at her children in pain.

Anna looks up at me, her lip quivers. I rushed to her side pulling her into a hug. She cries in my shirt holding me tightly. "I got you, it's alright" I whisper in her ear. Marcello talked to me when he told Anna he had cancer he made a promise to never leave her. To be there and wipe her tears. To love her like he knows I do.

Alessio's face turns into confusion when the sound of a girl yelling booms from outside. "Listen bitch if you don't tell me what room Alessio Morelli is right now I will kill you" she yells he starts to rip the ivs from his arms.

"Rosa Rosa Rosa" he yells running out of the room. Anna's eyes go wide as he embraces a small child and girl in his arms crying to them. "Alessio, you need to go back into the bed. You look like you're going to pass out again" she makes him go back into the room laying back down on the bed.

The child curls into his side, closing his eyes. Vincenzo comes in looking at Alessio with no ivs in him. "You can't just rip them out. You'll pass out again, it's giving you fluids. I have to check your head later you might have a concussion from the fall." he puts the ivs' back in his arm Alessio stays quiet.

Anna looks up at me, her mixed eyes full of pain. The blue in them no longer shines but is now dull and the grey full of stormy clouds. I kiss her forehead, wiping her face. "Val I felt his heart stop" she whispers looking down holding my hand fidgeting around with it.

"Anna, I don't even know what to say. I know it hurts it fucking hurts a lot but he's no longer in pain. He's happy with Zeno, he doesn't want to see you sad." I don't even know how to respond to something like that. She felt his heart stop. She felt him die.

She lets out a yawn resting her head on my chest. "I fucking hate hospitals." I let out a sigh holding her hand. Losing my mom to cancer was the worst thing ever. Seeing her day by day her weaker. Cancer is a bitch I know the pain Anna's in losing Marcello to cancer.

She never left my side when mom died but I wouldn't leave her side a day in my life. I never told her I kept tabs on her in New York. I knew what she was doing, I saw her perform, I saw her be happy. Then she came back and I saw her broken.

I brushed my finger over her engagement ring. She looks down at it breaking. Everyone gives her a look of pity leaving the room. "Come on Alessio we'll check if you have a concussion" Enzo helps Alessio stand up with the IV still in his arm. The child and Rosa follow behind them.

How do I comfort someone when they lost one of the most important people to them?

Anna didn't just lose her friend she lost her fiancé. The guy she was going to Marry. The person who she was going to build a family with. "I don't even want to think of how much pain she's in right now" Rico says, running his hands through his hair. I don't know how to make it better. I want to take her pain away so bad but I don't know how to.

"Mentally she's not alright and she won't be for a long time. Physically she's alright. You can take her home whenever Alessio is ready to leave his test and come back fine. He just needs lots and lots of water but looking at the way his girlfriend is with him he'll be more than alright" Rory says holding her clipboard.

Annabeth's pov

"Alessio how the fuck are you going to be a neurosurgeon if you won't even take your medicine" I see Rosa trying to put the pills In his mouth.

"I don't need it" He argues back trying to swat her hand away. Ercole just looks at them happily not knowing anything. He looks around the room seeing me gasping. "Aunt Anna" He runs over to the bed trying to jump up. Valentino helps him and he immediately hugs me tightly. "I missed you" He smiles at me, his brown hair falling in front of his face.

"I missed you more Ercole" He's gotten so big over the past few years. I still remember when I first saw him so tiny.

"Ive never been more confused what the fuck is going on?" Luciano walks in drinking a soda throwing me a bottle of juice. "Hi my names Rosa im the reason Alessio came back to Italy that's my son Ercole he's five. I think that sums it up. Now if you don't fucking drink this im going to shove it down your throat" Rosa bluntly says before turning her attention back to Alessio who finally gives it.

"Rosa in detail they don't understand" she groans as Alessio takes Ercole from me sitting him on his bed playing with him. "I met Anna in rehab and I met Alessio when he first moved to New York. Ercole had just turned a year old. I was running from his biological dad. He was a real dick and would kill us the moment he saw us. I felt safe with them and I didn't hide and I was going to school. Everything was great for the first two years until he found me. He figured out I had been staying with them and threatened them. I couldn't let anything bad happen to them so I made Alessio hate me. It was the worst thing I could have done. I had to make the man I'm in love with fall out of love.

I made sure he went back here and was protected. I had my men keep tabs on him. It hurt me seeing him so broken because I left and took Ercole with me. He basically raised him as his own, not caring that it wasn't his blood. I always talked to Anna through burner numbers not leaving a trace until the day came where I could finally kill his father. My people weren't strong or big enough to take him down but we were smarter and we moved quicker.

Finally after years of running and hiding we were free and I was coming back for Alessio. First thing I did was get on a plane ready for him when I got the news Marcello died and he was here. Now we're all in a room and I just shared my life" She fake smiles putting her feet on the bed.

Alessio holds the child while he looks down at Rosa holding his hand guiding him. I go back into the room seeing Anna curled up into a ball sobbing into the pillow. "Hey Anna, they said you can go home. Are you ready?" I rub her arm

She looks at me nodding, not saying anything. She stands up putting on her shoes and taking her phone. She follows next to me as we go into the parking lot. "I want to go home Valentino" she says I look at her with confusion

"Yeah Anna im taking you home every else is there already"

"No Valentino i want to go home my home the one I shared with Marcello i want to go home"

I sigh agreeing to take her there. No doubt I'll stay with them. Her whether it's sleeping on the couch or on the floor.

I want her to know she's not alone.


Hey guys

I feel so bad for Anna she really deserves the whole world

Q/A~ What do you think is going to happen?

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Until we meet again <3

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