Chapter 31: Happy Without Me

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A/N~ Chapters 27-31 were released at the same time make sure you didn't skip one <3

You're welcome Bree


Annabeth's pov

It's been two weeks since Valentino came drunk crying to me. Since then we've been avoiding each other. I wouldn't know what to tell him. I admitted to him I was still in love with him.

I think it's best that we stay away from each other right now. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us tonight?" Mom, Alessio and Achilles appear at my door.

I pause my Netflix pushing my hair back. "Yeah my head hurts a bit too deep in thought" Achilles gives me a sad smile.

"If you say so, call us if you need anything" Mom gives me a tight hug before walking out. Alessio and Achilles stay sighing "I'm serious, call us I'll come speeding back" Achilles makes sure I'm looking in his eyes as I nod my head yes.

They both give me one last hug before walking out. I wave to them goodbye from the second floor watching them walk out the door.

I let the night guards stay on duty outside of the house. The only ones in here are the ones guarding the tunnels.

Going to the kitchen I heat up some pasta mom made last night by putting Netflix in the movie room.

Might as well take advantage of the empty house.

Valentino's pov

The music of the club blares from the outside once the doors open for us. I see everyone with a drink in their hand. Everyone but Anna there I only came to see her even though I've avoided her for two weeks.

Technically she's avoiding me. I'm not avoiding her. "Where's Anna?" I ask Achilles pouring myself a glass of bourbon. I clench my jaw at the taste feeling many different eyes on me.

Looking around the room many different females have drool coming down there mouth even a few guys but who I am to judge. quiet frankly I don't give a fuck about sexuality. "She stood home we tired to get her to come but she didn't budge." He sighs holding Sofia close to him

I down the drink ordering water right after. I promised her I'd never drink and drive again. I'm going to stick to my word. "I called her before we came in. She was watching Netflix in the. Movie room" Gio says, taking the last of the bottle.

There's 8 more on the table and I've only been here for 10 minutes. "At least wait an hour before going to see her" Vinnie lights a blunt next to me inhaling happiness with life.

Waiting doesn't sound bad but it doesn't sound the best either. I need to see her again even if she doesn't want to see me.

I can't drink anymore or smoke if I'm going to see her. I don't want to see that disappointed look on her face again.

Annabeth's pov

The sound of the front door slamming made me jump, grabbing my throwing knives hard. I'll free hand it if I have too. I slowly walk to where the door is, seeing Valentino frustrated looking for me. "You scared the living shit out of me. Don't fucking do that" I yell at him putting my knives down.

"Why weren't you there tonight?" He angrily says, making me roll my eyes. "I didn't feel like going out plus didn't you give Brielle another chance" I huff crossing my arms

"I just needed to fuck I told her we're over with. Why would you fucking care anyways I poor my heart out to you and you avoid me" he yells angry about these past two weeks.

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