Karaoke (+more)

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They go out to a karaoke bar and a love song comes on about one being in love with the other but the other is too blind to see it and they both can tell the lyrics hit harder than they should.


Liam absolutely terrified because he realizes he's in love with Theo. Angst. Theo tried to reassure him that he doesn't need to be afraid of him- that he's changed.


Liam is dating hayden, hayden likes Tracy, Liam likes Theo, Theo likes Liam. Liam is Hayden's cover up, hayden is Liam's cover up. Liam and Hayden go to each other one day with the intent on coming out. Then Theo and Tracy walk into the coffee shop. Theo and Liam lock eyes, Tracy and hayden lock eyes. They're all blushing fiercely then theo makes a move to join the table...


Thiam pretends to fake date while actually secretly dating as a way to come out, pack already knew about them.


Theo teaches Liam to drive until liam annoys Theo with personal questions like his love life and feelings. Theo responds to them all honestly because of Liam's threat to crash his truck if he didn't. Theo's new inability to lie leads to a new relationship.


Liam tries to get Theo to open up and take off his mask. Theo is standoffish around the pack and he doesn't talk much. But then when they go home, Liam tells him that he doesn't have to be like that with him, that he can tell him anything. Theo just says thank you and hugs him, telling him how much he appreciates him.


Liam's insecure, Theo keeps reassuring him he is perfect, Theo finally confesses his undying love for the teen after Liam completely shuts down Theo's compliments, Liam then confesses his feelings.


People are accusing Theo of being homophobic he finds a way to prove them wrong when Theo and Liam are acting in the new queer play. After the show, everyone is on stage and they're affectionate with each other as they're getting applaud. Theo kisses Liam then looks back at the kids who were trying to say he was homophobic. Applause is over and Theo takes Liam and they leave walking past them. "I'm not homophobic. I'm gay, you idiots".


Theo rants about how much of a bad person he thinks he is and talks about how undeserving he is, Liam completely disagrees and tells him how much he's changed. Ends with "happy birthday by the way" then kisses him and shows him the matching chain he got for them an anchor with two wolves howling at the moon over it, one black wolf, one white. Theo cries.


Theo leaves beacon hills because he doesn't have a reason to stay. Liam tracks him and convinced him to come back and visit. He then tries to get him to stay then Theo asks for Liam to give him a reason to stay so Liam kisses him.


Everyone's body emits colours. Black if you haven't found your soulmate, green if you have found your soulmate and are with them, yellow if you found your soulmate and aren't with them and red is the colour of your soulmate. The first time liam meets Theo, they see red.


Liam complains about now having a mew years kiss so Theo "jokes" about doing it then midnight comes and Liam wasn't ready for it and asks why he did that, Theo replies saying that he told him he would, Liam tells him to kiss him again, they kiss as fireworks go off in the background. They didn't know what they were going to say or do after, all they could focus on was on the lips beneath their own and the sound of cheering and fireworks.


The pack is having a small party at Lydias and they get bored so they play spin the bottle. It gets some couples *cough cough* together and some awkward cheek kisses.

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