Better Off Gone

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"Just leave, get out while you still can. You know nobody likes you here and I can't stand by while my packs treat you like shit. They haven't seen the real you and that's their loss, so go before you make this hurt more than it needs to." Liam kept trying to make Theo leave Beacon Hills so he can live a new life and restart in a way. Theo doesn't want to, because then he'd be leaving Liam behind. The chimera has somehow grown a soft spot for the anger issued ied of a beta. He doesn't know how it happened or when it happened, but one time Theo looked at him, he looked through heart eyes and everything was fine again. Everything in the world fell into place.

"I can't leave. You're here," Theo refused.

"Well you can't always be where I am. I need you to leave so you can be safe, so you can find somewhere that you'll be loved, find somewhere that you'll be appreciated, find somewhere that they don't know the old you and judge you because of it. Meet some people, and make new friends. Scott's never going to forgive you, neither is Lydia or Malia. They all hate you. No matter how much I try to convince them you've changed, they won't look past your flaws and your past. They still see you as that cruel, manipulative, cold, heartless chimera that gives a fuck about nobody but himself."

"I don't care I can't leave you," Theo told Liam.

"But I need you to. You're already making this harder than it needs to be."

"It's going to be hard Liam because I love you. It's going to be hard because I can't live without you and you can't live without me, we both know that. So stop trying to make me leave so that I can be 'happier' because I won't be happier! I've never really known true happiness, but with you everything is different. The world doesn't seem so grey. My life doesn't seem so meaningless, I have a reason with you. If I leave I'll have no more reasons to live. You pulled me out of hell and gave me a second chance. You trusted me when nobody else did. You saved me. Maybe not like I saved you, but you saved me."

"Why can't you just leave?" Liam begged.

"Because I just want to be loved. And I know I'll get that with you, that's guaranteed but whats not guaranteed is that I'll ever find someone who will love me half as much as you do. You can deny it all you want, you can try to hide it as much as you can, but you know deep down inside that you love me," Theo stated, walking forward, towards the beta. "You love me but you're too scared to admit it. Because then you'll feel guilty for falling in love with the person you should hate most. The person who killed your alpha. The person who tore apart your pack. The person who manipulated you the most. The person that made you try to kill Scott. The person who did so many bad, unforgivable things. The person you can't live without."


"No. Because you're saying it just to please me. You don't actually mean it right now. You-"

He was cut off when Liam lunged forward and connected their lips. Immediately Theo melted into the kiss, giving just as much as he was getting. Liam pulled away after a short moment: "does that make you feel better?"

"Only if you shut up and do it again," Theo snarked back with a sly smile.

"Fuck off," Liam said with a smile and small giggle before leaning in again. This time with a kiss that meant more. It meant so much to Liam, but so much more to Theo.

This meant that someone finally loved him. Accepted him. Cared about him.

Loved him.

That's all he has ever wanted: someone to love them.

"Are you going to leave?" Liam whispered when they separated for a brief moment to catch their breaths.

"I wasn't going to leave in the first place. Now I can never leave," Theo replied before reaching in for another short kiss, ending it by pulling Liam's bottom lip with his teeth.

"But you'd be better off gone-" Liam started.

"Then I guess I won't be better off because I'm never leaving you."

"I love you, so much more than you will ever know," Liam reminded him.

"And I love you too. I'll continue to show you that until the day we die."

This one is kinda rushed because I haven't posted in a little and wanted to put something up.
I hope you guys like it. I know it's a bit short than the usual one shot, but like I said it was rushed.
Let me know what you think and don't forget to vote.🖤

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