Long Distance (3)

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The ending of that plane ride had been hell for Theo. Not only did they hit turbulence, but Theo's seat mates had thrown up. Theo has never been good around that sort of thing so it was a miracle he got out without also throwing up.

That was only the beginning of Theo's terrible day. For his luggage was lost and he had to wait for an extra three hours to claim it and finally go see Liam.

Adding onto the horrors of the day, his taxi driver was an absolute creep. She was preying on Theo, constantly looking through the rear view mirror, glancing at him with a disgusting facial expression that could only show pure want.

Maybe this would be the day Theo started to believe in God, praying that he would get home safe.

It's not that he can't protect himself, he's beyond capable of that. It's just that he was so tired and just wanted to be home with his boyfriend.

It was now 8pm and he had finally arrived home. Paying the driver quickly and getting his bags as fast he could, getting the hell away from her.

A sigh of relief escaped his mouth as she drove away. That was one thing he didn't have to endure anymore.

Liam was home. He had texted Jenna and David, who were both at work and was told that Liam would be home all night, along with a 'welcome home, dear' text from Jenna and a 'we are glad to have you back' from David.

As Theo stood at the door, gathering up the courage to open it and go see his boyfriend, much to his dismay, it had started raining. And the front door was locked. So above all, he's locked out and cold standing under the overhang waiting for Liam to open the door.

He knocks five times and two minutes later Liam is opening the door, hair a mess, only wearing his basketball shorts.

The minute Liam saw Theo, a mix of emotions displayed on his face. Ranging from shock, to excitement, nervousness and regret. Why regret?

Once Theo caught a whiff of Liam's scent he scoffed and his happiness disappeared. Hayden. Of course.

Dropping his bags and shaking his head, Theo was disappointed. He can't say he was shocked, as Hayden has the tendency of not being able to let things go, let people go. But he had expected more from his boyfriend.

A simple "wow" escaped his lips before rolling his eyes and turning around. Walking out into the rain, soaking his jeans and pink hoodie. The strands of his hair peaking out of his hood soaked and with every breath he took, the more constricted he felt.

For each step he took, he felt his heart break a little more. As if his terrible day could worsen, he didn't think it was possible. Yet, here he was walking away from his cheating boyfriend who was still processing what happened on the front porch.

Realizing he was going to lose the chimera, Liam ran to him. He couldn't believe he could let him get that far.

So here they were. In the middle of the street. In the soaking rain.

"What a fucking cliché," Theo scoffed.

"What?!" Liam yelled back. Even with supernatural hearing it was almost impossible to hear each other through the downpour.

"I said: what a fucking cliché!"

"What is?!"

"This," Theo gestured to the two of them, "us. We're standing in the middle of the street in pouring rain fighting!"

"Why are we fighting?!" Liam asked. He regretted it the moment he asked. He knew the answer already, because of Hayden.

"You know why!" Theo responded.

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