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He was finally home. The battle had been long and exhausting. Pack members ended up in the hospital fighting for their life. Others left without a word- Theo left without a word. As soon as the battle was over, he disappeared.

Liam wanted to talk to him. To go find him, chase after him and bring him home but Scott told him to leave him be.

He shouldn't have listened. He knows Theo better than anyone and he knows he wouldn't just leave like that without a reason.

But he was finally home. Laying in bed without the chimera next to him felt lonely. He felt as if there was a massive hole in his heart that only the chimera could fill.

Over the months after Theo's return, they'd grown closer. Had become friends. There was no one they trusted more than each other. They'd put their life on the line just for the other and they have. They've done that multiple times. Theo had even risked his entire existence just to save Liam.

It was all getting too much. Without Theo there to calm him down, Liam went full spiral. Thoughts of Theo dead flooded him and he couldn't fend them off.

A mangled body with glossed over eyes.

A frozen body with a defeated look on his face.

More and more and more flooded him as the tears escaped. He didn't mean to cry- to sob, it just happened.

That's what Theo did to him. He's become Liam's anchor, his best friend. His everything and he didn't get to tell him how he felt.

He didn't get to tell him that his smile ignited a fire in his stomach.

That his touch leaves his skin, his body yearning for more.

That his words set him on edge not being able to wait for what's next.

That his eyes haunted him in his sleep, just wanting the comfort of them.

That everything he did, every movement, every word, only made more fireworks burst in his stomach.

He never got to tell him about the nerves he makes him feel.

How when he's by, suddenly he gets all clammy.

That his hands begin to lightly tremble when their skin comes in contact.

That his heart beat picks up a noticeable amount whenever he's near.

That everything in his heart has begun to ache for Theo. For the sense of home that's grown to him. Theo's become Liam's home and it's suiting.

For how much time they spend together, their lack of knowledge on personal space, how they always seem to be whole together, they should've figured it out by now.

Liam never got to tell Theo any of this so now he's alone. He's balled up in bed, desperately clutching Theo's pillow- the pillow that had always been reserved for him.

He was comforted by the scent of the pillow as it smelled like Theo's hair. A soothing scent, lulling him to sleep through the breakdown of missing him brought on by the exhaustion from the battle and the disappearance of the chimera himself. 

Dreams of cucumber and mint followed.

He woke up at the feeling of being watched.

Coming to his senses he realized he wasn't alone. There was a set of strong arms around him, as if they were protecting him. He couldn't open his eyes yet, he wanted to gather his surroundings.

He was no longer holding the pillow and the scent of cucumber and mint was fainter but still there. His body felt oddly relaxed. It shouldn't, he should be exhausted and over tired, not able to get comfortable. But he was.

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