She Knows (+more)

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Layden. Hayden breaks up with Liam because their relationship gets boring and she knows Liam is in love with Theo. "I know you love him. I always knew. But what do you like most about him?"

"He smells like home. His heartbeat is the song playing over and over in my head."


Liam is rambling on about a history fact and nobody is paying attention, at pack meeting. No Theo.

Next pack meeting Theo is there and Liam is rambling but this time Theo is paying attention to him with a slight smile on his face.

"What are you doing?" Liam asks.

"I'm listening to you. Continue." He smiles back.

Liam's heart melts and the pack witnesses the events occur and all smile to themselves because Theo may not admit it, but he's in love with Liam. And Liam may not admit it, but he's in love with Theo.


Liam and Theo are in line at the fair and Liam is cold and Theo told him to bring a jacket but he ignored that. He hugs Theo with his jacket open to put his arms in the jacket behind his back collecting his body heat to warm up.


"I cant survive without you theo. You're the end of me, you're the one I wont get over so don't do this. Don't say I deserve better then break my heart. Don't shatter my heart then say you love me because that only proves the opposite. I need you."

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be, Liam."


Liam is going through Theo's camera roll and finds just a bunch of pictures of the two of them. With each photo comes a memory.


Skateboarding through the forest on a dark night with only the stars and moon accompanying them. Secrets shared and confessions made. The beginning of something new. Theo shifting into a wolf and he has a chain collar so Liam can try to skateboard with Theo leading the way. The mind links connecting so they can talk to each other. Previously had the mind links but didn't know why. Find out they're mates.


Theo, scott and stiles being brothers.
Finally accepting Theo. Acknowledging Theo has come a long way. Seeing how happy he is with Liam. They talk about Thiam. Teasing Theo. Lots of Theo blushing. He finally smiles a pure smile. Not a fake one or a smirk. It's the first time scott and stiles see him smile and they can't help but smile too. They're happy they're friends again- best friends. They hang out regularly. Liam is always complaining because Theo is oUt WiTh HiS fRiEnDs ToO mUcH.


Theo hating physical touch but physical touch being Liam's love language so Liam feels unloved and it hurts theo inside but he pulls away each time because last time he got close to someone they were killed and he was forced to watch keeping his emotions inside and the last person that touch him beat him and we're the dread doctors but little by little theo learns that Liam would never hurt him so he gets more comfortable with physical touch and at the end Theo's love language is also physical touch.

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