Acceptance (1)

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Currently, the McCall pack was in Scott's kitchen, surrounding the floating island. Everyone was there: Scott, Lydia, Malia, Stiles, Peter, Derek, Argent, Sherrif Stilinski, Melissa, Mason, Alec, Corey, and Liam. Theo and Nolan were also there, the plan was to accept both of them in the pack at this meeting, but Scott didn't go about it the right way. He started by saying how much of a terrible person Theo was and was bringing up every bad thing he did. So... that's how they ended up here: with a very pissed off, but calm Theo. This Theo was the scariest.

"I was a child when the dread doctors took me. I still believed in Santa and the Easter bunny. So yeah, when three 'doctors'," he made air quotes with his hands because he didn't think of them as actual doctors, more like experimenters or psychopaths, "came to me that day in the forest when Tara broke her leg and fell into the freezing river and they told me she wanted me to have her heart, I believed them.

I believed them when they said they'd make my life good, rather than just being the forgotten kid, the neglected kid, the kid in the shadows. I believed them when they told me I could have all the power I wanted. So, excuse me if I've grown up with the Dread Doctors and am a completely fucked up person.

Do you think this is how I wanted my life to go? To be taken by the Dread Doctors? To be experimented on? To be cut open so many times and to be used and abused? I'm a homeless teenager who lives in his truck and barely eats even one meal every other day. All my family is dead, and there's not a single person in this town that even trusts me. Do you have any idea how that feels? To have absolutely nobody to trust you?" Theo paused for a moment to catch his breath.

"Excuse me if I'm fucked up because I had not a single person care about me from the moment I was born. I've been neglected and used and abused my whole life, but I always put a mask on. I put a mask on because nobody ever truly cares, even if they say they do. They want to help you to make themselves feel good, not because someone might actually need help. I put a mask on because I hate when people pity me and try to say things to make me feel better. I hate it.

I was manipulated my whole childhood by the Dread Doctors and you have no idea how much shit they put me through. You have no idea what they did to me and how many tests my body took. You have no idea how fucking screwed up my life was. Not to mention, Deucalion also manipulated me when I had the chimera pack. So, yeah, I'm a fucked up person, I'm a fuck up. I'm a screw-up and a disappointment. I caused everything bad that happened to your pack a little while ago.

But I'm not the same manipulative chimera anymore. If you can't see that, you must be blind. Did any of your other former enemies-turned-pack or allies serve time for any of what they did? I've changed and I spent my time in literal Hell while nobody even blinked an eye. I got my heart ripped out of my chest on a continuous loop for three months straight by my dead sister, and at one point I just started to accept my fate. I even told her that it was okay and that she didn't have to stop ripping my heart out continuously. Hell was freezing in the eerie hospital hallways." By this point of his rant, Theo has calmed down.

"That's why you took a moment to pause in the hospital when we were distracting the Ghost Riders. And I asked what was wrong then you said that you just thought you were somewhere else. When I asked where and you said a bad dream. You were referring to your time spent in Hell." Liam interrupted, stating more than asking. Theo nodded then Malia commented.

"That's why when I was beating the living shit out of you when I found out you were back, you got so scared when I extended my claws. You were having a flashback when you told me those exact words." She said, with a tone of pity. She felt bad, and you could tell. The room smelt heavily of pity and regret. Most of the regret was flooding from Theo, but the rest of the pack felt bad about the way they treated him. He nodded and took another deep breath before continuing with his rant.

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