I'm Never Leaving You Again

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"Why are you crying Li? Come here!" Theo saw Liam crying on his front porch, the two are next-door neighbours and were dating.

After Liam went over to see Theo, he explained everything.

"But, Li! What if we never see each other again? I can't live without you. I love you, you can't leave me," Theo begged.

Liam had just told him that they were moving. The moving truck had just arrived at the Geyer's residence and Liam was saying goodbye before he had to get back and fill the truck. Liam was moving away from the town he's lived in his whole life, Beacon Hills, just for his parents. The Geyers' transfer to a hospital out of state was just approved, so Liam would be moving with them.

He didn't want to leave. He had friends here. His best friends, Mason and Corey. His boyfriend was here, Theo. This was the place he's known for his whole life. He didn't want to leave, but he had no choice.

"Theo," he said, barely holding back his sobs, "I don't have a choice. I have to. Trust me, I'll come back for you one day, okay? Wait for me, don't move on. This isn't a goodbye, it's a 'see you soon'. I will come back to Beacon Hills and we are going to get our happily ever after, okay? Take this," he held out his hand that had two black-banded rings in it, "take one, put it on your left ring finger. It's a promise ring. A promise that I will come back for you. A promise that I will never move on from you. A promise that I will never forget you. A promise that we will be back together like nothing ever happened soon. We will get back together okay? I would never leave you."

He couldn't hold back the tears anymore, so they were a mess. Theo and Liam in each other's arms crying their eyes out because they didn't want to lose their love. Once they finally separated, Theo took a ring and put it on his left ring finger, just like Liam did with the other one.

"I love you," Theo said, before pulling Liam in for a desperate goodbye kiss. "I will never forget you, come back for me." He whispered with his forehead resting against Liam's.

"I love you too. I couldn't forget you even if I wanted to. I promise you, I'll come back."

That was all seven years ago. They were 22 now. Liam back laying in his childhood bedroom. He purchased the house in perfect time, the previous owners -the family Liam's parents sold the house to- were about to sell it to another family. Liam had offered a higher price so he got his childhood home back. The house that was next to his old boyfriend's.

"Come on man, you gotta get out soon. Does Theo know you're back yet or are you not planning on talking to him anytime soon?" Mason has been trying to get Liam out of his room for an hour now and has been unsuccessful so far. "Did you know that there's a vinyl store here now? It's by the cafe. You should come to visit it with me, maybe buy a few vinyls while we're there."

"If I go with you will you leave me alone?" Liam joked half-heartedly. He's been dreading leaving the house because then he'll have to go find Theo and when he finds him, they're going to have to talk. Then Liam will get his heart broken because he hasn't moved on from him.

"Sure man, if that's what you really want. Have you told anyone else you're back yet? Or just me?"

"Just you. I didn't want to have to deal with any drama yet." He replied, playing with the ring on his necklace. He waited a moment before rolling out of bed. "Let's go then."

Mason immediately moved from his position leaning against the doorframe. "Can I tell Corey you're back?" he asked.

"No, dude. He'll tell Theo and I'm not up for that yet. Once Theo knows, he'll get all excited but then I'll get hurt because he's probably moved on from me. Who knows if he even has the ring still. He probably threw it out or something after I moved."

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