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[ 。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。 HARRINGTONS 。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。 ]

THE HARRINGTON FAMILY LOOKS picture perfect every second of every day. Jane and John Harrington are the definition of beauty on the outside with evil in their hearts.

John Harrington is CEO of his law firm, one of the only ones in Hawkins. to say he is rich and has everything he has ever wanted is an understatement. to everyone who doesn't live in the Harrington home, he is a kind, loving father who cares deeply about his children.

However, if you really know the two Harrington siblings, you would know how insufferable that man truely is. he doesn't care about his children or anything they do, they're 'failures' to him and always will be. the screaming, yelling and physical abuse is hidden in their picture perfect social lives.

Jane Harrington however, has always always been a sweetheart and takes passion in her family. she loves her children more than anything and would do anything to see them happy.

the two parents don't mix well and John's abuse falls onto the poor woman whenever she takes their children's side in anything, whether it be what is for dinner or quitting the cheer team.

Steve Harrington has always taken a fatherly role towards Caitlin, wanting to protect her in every way he can. he knows she doesn't deserve to be treated the way she is and he knows how much it effects her, even if she hides it well.

Caitlin Harrington hasn't explained the extent of her family to Eddie Munson, fearing he will run away the second he finds out the truth about the family name.

and that's why, he is still yet to meet their parents, until today. Caitlin and Steve were nervous, telling their parents that their daughter has been dating someone for nearly four months while they were unaware.

Jane Harrington was excited to meet the boy Caitlin has been gushing over but couldn't show it, not in front of John. John complained about it for a few minutes before he decided that going to work was more important than hearing his children out, so he left.

Eddie Munson sits in his van that is parked on the opposite side of the street, feeling sick to his stomach at the thought of meeting the infamous father. Eddie has not heard a single good thing about the man ever and is terrified to sit in the same room as him.

the two Harrington siblings set the dining table, listening to their mother talk about how excited she is to meet Eddie Munson while she continues to cook dinner.

and finally, a loud knocking at the door snaps the girl out of her actions and she doesn't hesitate to walk towards it. being faced with her boyfriend, she can't help the smile that forms on her lips.

"you're here!" she lets out a small nervous chuckle, her whole body wrecked with nerves. Caitlin Harrington cannot wait for her mother to meet the love of her life, but when her father gets home, the excitement is going to dissolve incredibly quickly.

"hi sweetheart" he mutters, inspecting the girl's demeanour. she is terrified and it's obvious. he lets out a small sigh, pulling her into a tight hug to try to calm her down.

"it's going to be fine okay? i cant wait to meet your parents" he speaks into her hair, being engulfed in her floral scented shampoo. Caitlin nods against his chest, letting the scent of his cologne calm her down.

"just because they made me, doesn't mean they're the best" Caitlin warns, pulling away from the boy before leading him inside and into the kitchen. Steve smiles at the two of them, giving Caitlin a look before walking out of the kitchen.

DARKEST HOUR | EDDIE MUNSON (book one)Where stories live. Discover now