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[ 。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。  DECISION 。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。 ]

I WALK INTO THE SCHOOL, my feet moving straight for my locker. today is the day, the day that i quit cheer. it's been almost a week, meaning my time is running out fast.

i have thought about it a lot and the butterfly effects of whatever i decide and i'm staying firm with my option.

i pick Eddie Munson and i will always, always pick him. he feels like home and i couldn't go through the rest of this shitty year without him.

my hands reach for my textbooks, trigonometry first. the bell rings obnoxiously throughout the halls, students beginning to move to the first dreadful classes of the day.

i wander into the classroom, taking my normal seat. i let out a exhausted sigh, leaning back in my seat.

i absolutely hate trigonometry and i don't know if it's because of the subject or the teacher. Mr Bates makes me want to curl up in a ball and die, allowing the ground to swallow me whole.

being in his class for the whole year seems like an impossible task and i'm so glad that after today, i'll have both Chrissy and Eddie by my side.

my eyes snap to the person who just waltzed through the doorway. the boy wearing his usual outfit, his hair slightly messy, but when is it ever not messy?

his eyes connect with mine, his mouth curving into one of the biggest smiles i've ever seen.

"goodmorning Miss Harrington" he speaks as he walks past my desk, taking the seat directly behind me.

i let out a laugh, my head shaking as i turn my attention back to Mr Bates. Chrissy takes a seat next to me, a small smile on her face.

I told Chrissy two days after Eddie appeared in my bedroom, she was mad, to say the least but understood why i'm quitting.

She even suggested quitting the team herself, not wanting to be a part of what they have been doing to me. however, i immediately shut that down, not wanting her to also lose something she loves. she's cheer captain for crying out loud!

the class is dreadfully painful, everyone definitely wanting to die. i beg for something to happen, a light to fall on Mr Bates or the ground opening and just swallowing him.

maybe i'm being harsh but no one and i mean no one, finds joy in going to Mr Bates classes. every year is just a step closer to never having to see him or hear his voice again.

the bell rings and i don't hesitate to leap out of my seat, grabbing my stuff before rushing out of the classroom.

my locker swings open, my hands shoving my notes and textbooks into the free space. i close the cool metal door, my whole body jumping as my eyes land on the boy, standing on the other side of the locker door.

"you're jumpy today" he lets out a laugh, my eyes rolling in response. my whole body is jittery with excitement and nerves. today is the day.

"i'm just excited," i speak, a smile forming on my lips, "i'm quitting today and then i'll have you again" my fingers latch onto the fabric of his shirt, pulling him towards me.

he lets out another loud laugh, his hands moving to my waist. i tilt my head to look up at him, his eyes gleaming with light.

"you've always had me" he reassures me, his lips curving into the same signature smile he always has.

Eddie Munson is absolutely beautiful.

"go back to being mean," i groan, "you're being all mushy"

"CAITLIN!" Chrissy interrupts, her eyebrows raising. we need to practice every possibility of what could happen today.

DARKEST HOUR | EDDIE MUNSON (book one)Where stories live. Discover now