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[ 。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。 GHOSTING 。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。 ]

THE BELL RINGS, signalling that it's lunchtime. i've done a pretty good job at not running into either Chrissy or Eddie.

after my day off yesterday, i decided it's best to show my face at school. the cheer team will think i'm hiding from them. they're not wrong though.

and Chrissy and Eddie might see me and know that i'm okay. i'm at school, nothing can possibly be wrong. at all.

my feet wander towards the forest at the edge of the oval, looking around to make sure no one is following before stepping into the trees.

it's the only place i can go where no one else is. the school is covered in students and i know i will be ambushed by either Eddie and Chrissy or the cheer team if i sit in the school grounds.

the sound of the wind blowing through the trees calms me as i walk, the sound of nothing but peace filling my ears.

i arrive at the wooden park bench that sits alone in the woods, sighing as i plop myself down on the wooden bench. my fingers trace the carvings tattooing the old wood, allowing myself to think.

Eddie has brainwashed me. or im starting to think he has. i was so quick to forget everything he ever did to me, the second we had sex after the halloween party.

waking up in his bed felt like a dream at the time but maybe i just didn't want to face the reality of it all.

a twig snaps behind me, my head snapping in the direction of the noise. fuck.

"sorry i didn't mean to scare you" his voice is apologetic. i watch the boy slowly make his way over to me.

"you cant be here" i look over at him, not knowing what else to do. he is here, in front of me. my successful ghosting now a failure.

"sweetheart" he speaks, his hand reaching for my own. i pull away, going to stand up. i cant do this, i need to think for myself.

"stop please" he begs. my eyes shut for a second, trying to refrain from curling up in his arms and spilling everything.

"Munson please! you don't understand what's going on" his hand grips mine, keeping me in place.

"then make me understand!" his voice is stern, his eyes glassy with tears. i stand there, frozen in my spot, his hand touching my own.

"Eddie please. i'll explain everything," i pull my hand away, feeling my heart ache at the look on his face, "i just can't do this right now"

and with that he lets me go, not even trying to stop me from leaving him. i'm being horrible to him, a complete asshole and i know he doesn't deserve it but i don't know what else to do.

my eyes land on the boy, leaning against his black shiny car, cigarette between his teeth. i take a deep breath, trying to stop myself from what i'm about to do.

"take me home" he doesn't hesitate at my words, seeing the exhaustion resting on my face. he opens the car door for me and i slide into the passenger seat of Billy Hargrove's car.

he huffs, wandering over to the other side of the car.

"so you gonna tell me what's going on?" he questions as the car comes to a stop in my driveway, a small frown forming on my lips.

DARKEST HOUR | EDDIE MUNSON (book one)Where stories live. Discover now