Chapter 37: Elm Street and Booze

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{Dani's POV}

{Cabin Living Room}


We have been celebrating my birthday all day.

Usually my birthday consists of me waiting for my dad to get home, he typically didn't.

Not sober at least.

But on the off chance he was, he's take me to a small dinner, and then ice cream.

That was all.

After mom and Thomas died, holiday's just weren't what they used to be.

But here I was with my second family, we put on cassettes that I loved, having a makeshift dance party with one another.

I got to get in a little reading time of Lord Of The Rings with Eddie. He laid his head in my lap as I read to him.

Dustin got in on it too, sitting next to us on the end of the couch, smiling as I read every page with detail.

Robin and Steve were off planning or doing whatever it is they do, all I knew is I wasn't allowed to look or peek. 

So the boys kept me busy, but I didn't mind.

Later in the evening, Steve got the old TV working and insisted we watched my favorite horror movies.

I knew Steve and Dustin both weren't horror movie people, but we got in a big huddle on the couch and watched anyway.

Eddie had wrapped us both in a blanket, his arm around me as I rested my head on his shoulder.

I chose to watch A Nightmare On Elm Street, and I was as happy as ever.

Robin had made us all popcorn, Eddie and I shared a bowl, he fed some pieces to me if I was too fixated on the movie to pick it up myself.

I would smile at him and take it from his fingers, and every time I did he would give me a small peck on the lips. "Good girl.." He would whisper to me.

I practically melted in his embrace.



As the credits roll for the movie, I scanned across my group of friends. 

Dustin and Steve were hanging onto each other for dear life as Robin was smiling, munching on some leftover popcorn.

"What'd you guys think?" I asked, and Dustin looked at me, his face pale. 

"These.. These movies aren't real, right?" He stammered out as he kept his death grip on Steve.

I shook my head, "No Dusty, you're safe." I cooed.

"Yeah, trust me, if he wanted to get you, it would be quick." Steve replied, Robin let out a snicker.

"What did you  think, princess?" Eddie then asked me.

"It's better the fifth time." I quipped, he just chuckled and pulled me closer.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Oh shit! It's him!" Dustin cried out as he buried his face into Steve.

"It's not Freddy, dingus." Robin said, "It's the rest of our guests."

I popped my head up from Eddie's shoulder. "Guests..?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes! You can't have a birthday without a party, right?" She added as she got up to get the door.

Eddie looked at me, helping me stand, "It's your day princess, and there are people who want to celebrate with you." He said as I smiled.

Robin swung open the door and when I looked over everyone was there, everyone from last night, standing there with wide smiles.

I couldn't believe it.

All for me?


{Eddie's POV}

I stared at all my friends who were staring back at me.

Then I noticed as they were walking in, Gareth and Jeff were both carrying thirty racks of beer.

My heart dropped, I looked over at Dani and her face did the same.

"Eddie! We got what you like!" Gareth said with a smile.

I froze, feeling my body start to shake. 

"Nah, i'm okay, thanks though." I replied, my words tasting like vinegar.

The boys just shrugged and just walked to the kitchen, Mike, Lucas and the rest of them followed to the kitchen with bags of presents, and grocery bags of food.

"Guys! Uh.. Crack one open for him." Dani said, my eyes immediately shot to her. 

"Are..Are you sure, princess? I never want alcohol to ever upset you." I asked, concerned with her change in heart.

"It's a new year for me, maybe I'll grow and start to be okay with it, I'm not going to let my dad's decisions affect me anymore." She said as she kissed my cheek.

"Have fun, Dungeon Master." She purred.

I smiled, giving her a quick peck as I made my way to the kitchen.

When I walked in I was immediately met with Steve's eyes, putting his hand on my chest to stop me so he could talk. "Take it easy, Eddie. Remember what happened the day hell broke loose."

I ripped his hand off of me, "I don't need your authority, Harrington. How about you let loose for once?" I replied as I walked passed him, never bothering to give him room to reply.

The boys already had one on the table for me, "We're gonna shotgun, you in?" Jeff asked.

I smiled, picking up the can as I stood next to them, "I'm always in, are you guys ready to lose?" I teased.

"3.. 2.. 1!" Lucas counted it down.

I punctured the side of the can with my ring, chugging as fast as I could as I cracked open the top of the can.

As soon as there was none left I threw the can down, throwing up my hands in victory.

The guys cheered as Dustin gave me a high five.

"Okay, okay, my turn." Gareth said as he handed me a second can.

"Uh, okay, 3.. 2.. 1!" Lucas repeated himself, and the same thing happened.

When I threw the empty can down Gareth wasn't even halfway done, once he was we all shared laughs.

"Eddie the excellent! Shotgun king!" Dustin cried as the guys cheered their drinks.

I saw Dani in the doorway, she was clapping and cheering for me with the guys.

Steve was standing behind her, chugging the rest of his beer.

"Okay Munson, my turn." Steve said as he threw the empty can down, walking to the table with the stash of booze.

I smiled, "You might be the hero, Harrington, but I am the king around here." I said as I handed him a beer.

He just rolled his eyes, "Lucas? Count down?" He said, Lucas took a sip of his beer, puckering his face.

"Ugh..Eddie how do you do this?" He said, wiping his mouth, I started to laugh.

"Lucas." Steve spoke impatiently.

"Uh right, 3.. 2.. 1." He said as Steve and I began to drink.

I chugged faster than I ever had, throwing down the third empty can, Steve did a split second after.

The guys cheered once more as Steve glared at me, just walking off and into the living room to meet Robin.

I already started to feel it, but I was fine.

But Steve is really testing my patience.

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