Chapter 18: Movie Nights and Silhouettes

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{Dani's POV}

{Dani's Bedroom}


I finished talking to Robin about everything that happened. 

"Wait wait, he brought you to lovers lake, your first kiss was swimming, he slept on the couch until you wanted him in the bed, and he brought you your coffee order?" 

I laughed at her recap. "Yes Robin, I was there." 

She rolled her eyes at my comment. 

I smiled and got up from my bed, giving her the note on my night stand. 

"When he left me at the cabin to go get coffee, this is the note I woke up to." I blushed as she read it. 

She looked up at me with widened eyes. "Who knew you  would be able to make this 'bad boy' into such a softie!" 

I sat back down next to her, "I don't know Robin, he was so different than when we first met." 

I knew Robin could see how much I liked him. "I love how he is when he's with me, but if he's going to act the other way at school, it might be too much." 

She sighed in agreement. 

"Well, how about you just give it a chance and wait for Monday. Maybe it will be different."

I nodded and put our now empty soda cans in my trash bin. 

"Hey, do you just want to sleep over? It's already late, I don't think your parents would mind." She smiled, her freckles shining in the light of my nightstand lamp. 

"Hell yeah!" She replied as she used my phone to call her parents, while she did that I went into my closet.

Undressing from the clothes I had worn for almost two days, I switched it for another oversized band shirt, snagging one for Robin as well.

I peeked out of the closet as she was still on the phone, giving me a thumbs up and a smile.

Immediately I shot one back and threw the extra shirt onto my bed.

When she hung up the phone she went straight into my closet, quickly changing into the other shirt as I spoke to her.

"Okay, now that you're trapped here.. What do you want to do?" I asked from the other side of the door.

She emerged in my shirt and stuffed her day clothes into her backpack as she thought.

"Let's camp out in the living room and watch a movie! You know we still have the new movies from work that we can watch." She said with a bright smile.

I looked at her sideways. "Aren't those off limits to employees? I thought we weren't allowed to rent them until they hit the shelves." 

She grinned and reached back into her backpack. "You know I thought that too, and then I found this in the new release box.." 

Then, Robin pulled out the newest horror movie 'Chopping Mall'  and I just about lost my mind. 

"NO WAY!!!" I said ripping it from her hands.

"How?? How did you?" She just smiled and admired it in my hands. 

"Don't worry about that, just don't tell Keith, okay?" I nodded and we ran to my living room. 

I tossed it to her and she put it in, I ran to the kitchen and brought out all the snacks I could spare, along with two more cans of soda. 

We got blankets and pillows from my room and got wrapped up in them and pressed play.

We watched the movie in comfortable silence, passing snacks back and forth without having to look at each other. 

"I love this movie, I heard it's one of the best horror movies yet!" I said with a mouth full of popcorn, handing the popcorn over to Robin.

She just nodded in agreement as she couldn't take her eyes off the movie. 



It was just after midnight when the movie finished, Robin smiled at me as the credits rolled. 

"That was awesome!! The robots seemed so real." We shared the rest of the snacks as we talked about the movie.

Having her as my best friend meant so much.

I turned off the TV and went to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth, the snacks in my teeth were bothering me greatly. 

Robin followed and I took out the toothbrush she kept here. 

I handed it to her and laughed. "What's so funny?" She said with a tired and grumpy voice.

"Nothing! I just think it's funny that we keep stuff at each others houses." 

She shrugged. "I bet you would laugh if you found long, blonde hair in your shower after realizing you have short, red hair." She snickered. 

I smacked her arm and we laughed as we got ready for bed. 

After I was done I was the first to walk into the living room, I turned out the lamp in the corner of the room. 

Robin followed soon after and got on the other side of our makeshift bed. 

I was so sleepy, so once my head hit the pillow I was pretty much asleep. 

"Thank you for being my best friend.." I said to Robin in a tired voice. 

She smiled and gave me a tight hug. 

"My pleasure rockstar, goodnight."

"Goodnight.." I closed my eyes and I was out. 



I woke up to the sound of footsteps on my stairs, I assumed it was Robin leaving to go home, which is valid. 

She's done that from time to time, but when I turned over I expected to see no one. 

Robin was still sleeping.

I froze in fear.

I saw the black silhouette travel up my stairs and into my house, I started shaking as it made its way to my  bedroom. 

I just about lost my mind, but I felt like I couldn't move.

It retreated from my room and started walking towards us. 

My body went numb, it stood in the living room doorway.

When it reached out an arm, moving its hand over to the light switch. 

The light came on and I screamed.

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