Chapter 15: Saturdays and Sweethearts

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{Dani's POV}

{Cabin Kitchen}


"Hellooo?" I heard Eddies voice call to me from the front door. 

"I'm in here!" I said as I was finishing making the bed. 

I felt his presence in the doorway and I turned to see him holding a box of doughnuts and two cups of coffee, smiling at me. 

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He spoke as he came up and kissed me. 

I smiled at him as he motioned for me to go to the kitchen, 

I went happily. 

We sat at the kitchen table and he opened the box. I smiled to see all the round treats. 

He set down the drinks and placed mine in front of me. 

"One small coffee with regular cream and sugar. For my sweetheart." He smiled at me as I blushed. 

"What did you get, babe?" He looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Babe? Not what I'm used to but god that sounds good coming from your mouth." He said with a smile. 

I blushed but waited for his response.

"I just got a black coffee, simple and bitter." He said with confidence. 

"Oh, like you?" I said with a snicker. 

His face dropped and he pointed at me. "You're lucky you look cute in my clothes." 

I giggled a little more and grabbed a doughnut. 

I started to eat as Eddie sat across from me. "So, it's Saturday, what does the incredible Dani do on a Saturday?" 

I smiled and thought for a moment. "Well, usually blast music or go to the record shop." 

I thought that was over because I'm used to people leaving it at that. 

But he looked at me like he was waiting for me to continue, so I did. 

"I work most weekdays and Sundays at the video store, so I try to make the most out of my days off and not spend too much." 

He asked me about work and how it is working with Steve "The Hair" Harrington, I told him about some times where he's flirted with customers and it's gone wrong. 

He laughed as hard as I did and it felt nice. 

As we talked Eddie looked at the clock on the wall and his eyes widened "Shit, it's Saturday. I practice with my band on Saturdays." He stood up and kissed me deeply. 

"Though I hate to cut this short, but the five... drunks that we play for on Tuesday's are counting on us." I laughed and kissed him again. 

I didn't know he was in a band, "What are you guys called?" I spoke curiously. 

His eyes lit up as he spoke. 

"We're called Corroded Coffin, I play lead guitar, my friend Gareth is on drums, Jeff is on guitar as well..." 

He continues to talk about his friends and what they do in the band, he seemed so happy. 

As he was rambling, he sighed at me. "Princess, I do have to drive you home soon." 

He frowned, I did too.

I stood as I finished my coffee, then something awoke in me. 

I sighed like he did, "Okay, if you have to go, I guess you'll need this back." 

I said as I slipped off the Hellfire shirt. 

Handing it to him and walking past him.

It was kinda freeing walking through this cabin just in my bra and underwear, I walked to the bedroom where I had put my clothes and I felt his eyes on me. 

I strolled into the bedroom and started unfolding my clothes.

Eddie came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing up my shoulders and neck. 

I closed my eyes, soaking up his attention, gazing down at his tattoos. 

He kissed my cheek and it made me smile. 

"You, princess, make parting so difficult." He said tightening his grip around me. 

I giggled and stood there as we swayed for a while, I was just enjoying Eddies strong arms around me. 

I moved his arms off of me and faced him, he grabbed either side of my hips and kissed me, my heart felt like it was on fire. 

I pulled away for air and he smiled, kissing my forehead. 

"I'll give you privacy princess." He said walking out the door and shutting it behind him. 

I slipped on my jeans and shirt, then my socks and shoes. 

I fixed my hair again and smiled to myself, walking out of the door and into the living room. 

I scooped up my backpack, putting in the cassette Eddie made me. 

We left the cabin hand in hand. 

I stood by the passenger door and he smiled. 

"Good girl." He said with a smirk as he opened the door for me. 

Him saying that made my heart skip a beat, I hopped in the car and he shut the door for me. 

He hopped in the drivers side and started up the van, driving off with his hand holding mine.

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