Chapter 21: Fights and Cemeteries

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{Eddie's POV}

{Hawkins High School Track}


I walked up and Jason swung at Dani, all I saw was her hit the ground, holding her face. 

Dustin and Mike raised her in their arms. I saw him go for it again. 

The boys flinched but never let Jason come close to her again.

I ran faster than I ever have in my life. Over the fence of the track and screamed as I tackled Jason to the ground before he had another chance to put his hands on her. 

We sat there wresting and yelling at each other as the gym teacher started yelling from across the track and field. 

He barely got a swing in at me before I got him pinned to the ground as he screamed in my face.

"Freak! Get the fuck off of me!!"

I just held him there, he snarled at me. "Why fight now? Protecting that invisible bitch?" 

I couldn't take it anymore. "Don't you ever lay a hand on her again!" then socked him. 

My rings crashing against his face.

 I heard the 


of his nose and just kept going.


and punching. 


and punching.

I was in a complete trance of making sure he got what he deserved. 

I felt hands on my shoulders, "Eddie, please. I'm okay, stop before you kill him!" 

It was Dani. 

She spoke as her voice cracked, she held both of my shoulders and when she was able to pull me off I couldn't see straight. 

She sat me on the track but I couldn't feel my body, my ears were ringing. 

All I felt was Dani pressed hugging me, the vibrations of her crying body against mine. 

I wrapped my arms around her.

"Are you okay?" I asked, out of breath.

She didn't reply.

I made her look at me, she winced but I gently lifted her head, my finger under her chin. 

Her eyes swelled with tears when she saw my eyes widen.

I couldn't believe it, the blood was still coming from her nose and the bruise under her eye was dark red and purple. 

Jason's goons picked him up as he was spitting blood out of his mouth. 

I got up to try and get him again but Dani stopped me, she whimpered and cried. 

"Please, don't Eddie.." She bawled in my chest. 

I nodded and just held her. "Okay princess, I'm not leaving, I'm here." 

I covered her ears as I screamed out to Jason. 

"If you touch her again I'll fucking kill you!  You fucking hear me?!" 

Jason and his friends ran away and into his car, he drove off in a hurry. 

I sat there on the track and held Dani, while Mike and Dustin just stood there, staring at her in my arms.

I stared back, waiting for them to say something. 

"Holy shit, Eddie." Dustin began, "I didn't know you could fight." 

I laughed a little. "I can't, I was just sick of him." I replied.

I looked down at Dani and she wasn't crying anymore, but I could tell she wanted to. 

Her voice cracked as she looked at me, she was terrified, I could see it. 

"I'm s..sorry I dragged you into that. It-t's just he hurt Dustin and I just.." I cut her off by pulling into my lap, I held her close. 

She wrapped her arms around my neck and cried. 

I stroked her hair, cooing to her as she melted into my lap. 

"I'm not mad at you princess, I just want to make sure you're okay. Can I see your face again?" 

She hesitated, then looked at me. 

I held either side of her face with my hands, I wiped some of the blood from her nose but it kept coming. 

"Dustin! Mike! What are you two just standing there for!? Get water, tissues for christ's sake! She's hurt!" Mike grabbed Dustins arm as they ran into the school. 

I heard the gym teacher and the students start to crowd but I just put my head down, holding Dani as I hid her face too. 

The principal had come out to the field where we were. 

I didn't want to leave her, so I begged the principal to stay with Dani. 

The best he could do is let me walk her to the nurses office. 

When he said that I picked her up bridal style and carried her in the school. 

When we got to the nurses office she was passed out, I felt tears in my eyes.

I set her down on the bed and the principal grabbed my shoulder, motioning me to his office.



{Dani's POV}

{Nurse's Office}


I woke up in the nurses office with a bag of ice on my head, and the nastiest headache I had ever felt.

The nurse smiled at me, happy I was awake. 

"Hey honey, I called your dad to come pick you up, but he didn't answer." 

I sighed. "I know, he's on a two week long business trip to Illinois." I said as I held my head. 

The lights hurt so I stared down at my shoes, the nurse was still talking but I could barely focus.

"Okay, no dad. What about your mom? Where is she?" 

She sounded hopeful, I looked up at her and shook my head.

"In a cemetery in Boston with my brother, uh, car accident." I replied hesitantly.

I could tell that she felt guilty for even asking. 

"I could just, sit here for the day? I could catch the bus home." 

The nurse sighed at me and shook her head. 

"I'd love to do that but I have many more students to take care of, the two beds are full and you're in one of them. Is there anyone I could call?"

I shook my head. "Just my boyfriend who fought for me back there." 

She half smiled at me. "It was very brave what he did for you. Not many guys can say they'd stand up for a girl like that." 

I smiled back her. "I know, I just hope he's okay." 

She stood and had her hand on the curtain, "Why don't you ask him?" 

She moved the curtain and Dustin was there wrapping Eddie's knuckles. 

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