Chapter 16: Flowers and Books

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{Dani's POV}

{Outside Dani's House}


We raced up to my house and I held my breath as I looked for dad's car, it wasn't there. 

I took a sigh of relief, I looked over at Eddie as he was putting the van in park. 

He unbuckled and rushed to the passenger door to open it for me, he was such a gentleman when he wanted to be. 

He opened the door and I climbed out, shutting it behind me. 

I went to walk to my front door but Eddie blocked my way. 

"Hey, I wanted to check on you after uh, last night." My heart sank as he continued talking. 

"I never want to make you uncomfortable. I really really like you. I just wanted to check in with you and that beautiful mind of yours." He spoke with a shy tone, grabbing both of my hands. 

I felt butterflies knowing he cared so much about me. 

I thought for a minute and smiled up at him. "I'm okay babe, I promise." 

He smiled at the floor and then up at me.

"Good, so does that mean I can get a second date?" He said with a hopeful look. 

I pretended to think, letting out a series of hmmm's and welllll's. 

Eddie laughed but groaned in annoyance "C'mon princess, I'm wrapped around those beautiful fingers of yours, so what do you say?"

I stood on my toes and kissed him. "I would be honored, Eddie Munson." 

I also leaned over to his ear, "And about last night, I might be ready sooner than you think." 

I spoke while planting a kiss on his neck. 

His breath seemed nervous, but when I looked back at him he smirked at me, biting his bottom lip. 

He leaned me against the side of his van, stretching his arm out. His hand next to my head as he kissed me once more. 

"That's my girl." He said with stars in his eyes. 

I giggled and pulled him in for one more kiss. 

"Well then, until I see you next m'lady." He said with a bow, I nodded.

I walked to my door as he stood against his van, waiting until I got in the house. 

Once I closed the door he got in his van and drove off. 

I went straight to my room and immediately happy screamed into my pillow.

I reached into my backpack and pulled out the small bouquet of flowers from the front pocket. 

They were intact and untouched, I opened one of my books and pressed the flowers between pages. 

I could have them forever, I was happier than ever. 

I also pulled out the note he wrote me for when I woke up, I put it on my nightstand and knew that was it's home.

He was perfect.


{Eddie's POV}

{Eddie's Van}


She was perfect. 

I drove home but I felt weightless, I pressed play on my stereo and Iron Maiden blasted. 

It startled me but now when I hear them I only think of Dani, so even if my hearing was gone, my heart was pounding for a different reason. 

As I soared down the streets I noticed on my dashboard was a singular flower from the improvised bouquet I had given Dani. 

My smile grew wider as I glanced over at it, in that moment I knew that there was something special about Danielle Walker. 

I needed to make her mine. 

Well, officially.

I parked the van outside of my trailer and strolled inside, I opened the door and my uncle greeted me. 

He asked where I was, I didn't have the time or patience to say I took a girl to the woods and slept in a cabin with her, so I said I was at Jeff's house. 

I added that I was only home for a second to grab my guitar so I could meet back up with him at Corroded Coffin practice. 

He nodded in response and let me go. 

I ran to my room, packed up my six string and walked back out the door. 



I shot over to band practice, it started at noon and by now it was already way long after. 

But I pulled up to the garage as fast as I could. 

I grabbed my guitar and ran in there, my friends were all accounted for. 

None of them looked too happy to see me. 

"Well, look who decided to join his own band." Gareth said from behind the drum set. 

Jeff nodded in agreement, my other friend did too. 

"Oh come on guys," I groaned. "when have I ever been late before?"

"Never! That's why you're leads, you're the first to show up and last to leave. Now please tell me you have a good excuse." Jeff said, all of them clearly annoyed by me. 

"I was.." I hesitated, pondering if I should tell them the truth. 

"Well? You were what  Eddie??" Gareth spoke up again. 

"I was with a girl, God!" I said slamming my hands against my guitar case, agitated by their pressing attitude.

They stood in silence. 

"You..You were with, a girl? A real one?" Jeff said as the other two had their jaws dropped. 

"Yes, a real girl you morons. So unless anyone has anything else they'd like to add, I'd like to carry on with Corroded Coffin, not the gossip circle." I said taking out my pride and joy. 

My 6 string warlock guitar with black and red detailing.

I waited for any other comments, no one said anything else. 

So I plugged my guitar into an amp and got everything adjusted. 

"Okay then, Gareth?" I said with a sharp look

Gareth cleared his throat, trying to focus. 

He hit his drum sticks together and yelled 





Princess Of HellfireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora