Chapter 10: Cabins and Lakes

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{Dani's POV}

{Eddies Van}


We kept driving, his hand was still holding mine but he didn't say anything. 

He looked forward, but it was like he was lost in thought, I looked around the van. 

Some scattered trash by my feet and my backpack, D&D books too. 

In the back I saw a mattress, my face dropped. 

I prayed he wasn't just trying to get in my pants, that he was better than that. 

He brought me flowers, granted because he was trying to be a gentleman I have a bruise on my hand. 

I started getting lost on thought but I assume he saw me staring at it, because he hit the brakes. 

I turned to see a house, it was a dark cabin and it looked almost abandoned. 

He took my hand and kissed it, letting it go then turning the car off. 

I still wondered about the mattress, but I unbuckled and waited for him to arrive on my side.

 When he saw me just sitting there, he smiled. 

He opened the door and reached out a hand to help me out, I took it and climbed out of the passenger side.

I looked at the house and back at him. "Look Eddie, I was hoping if you were going to kill me it'd be in a classier location." 

He smiled and laughed a little bit. "Hey, it's not much but it's my friends place, he's out of town and he gave me the keys." 

I gasped sarcastically. "Eddie Munson? Having friends? I must be dreaming." 

He rolled his eyes, putting his hand in his back pocket while the other held his black lunch pail. 

"Y'know, friend, dealer, all the same thing really." I stood and looked back at him. 

"C'mon lets just go inside." He started walking and I followed, inside the cabin was pretty nice. 

As soon as you walk in there's a small yellow and green plaid couch. 

Parallel to it was a fireplace, the mantel above the fireplace was covered in dust.

"Nice place, very cozy to do various drug operations." I said as I looked around. 

"It's only gonna get better." He said with a smile. 

I followed him to the kitchen where there was a view of the lake. 

"This is Lovers Lake, it's pretty small but it's not a bad spot." he said as he stood next to me, his stance was supposed to be confident, but I could see the shakiness. 

I made him nervous.

I made Eddie Munson nervous.

"Not bad at all." I nodded and looked at the water as the orange fire like sunset reflected.

 He walked off as I went to follow him he pulled me to the living room, sitting me on the couch. 

"I need to do something, just stay here, okay?" Before I could answer he quickly left the room, leaving me in the almost dark. 

I felt kinda strange, there was a mattress in the back of the van, he brought me to an empty cabin, just us, and it's all at Lovers Lake? 

He's doing a lot just to score all the bases with me, and it felt weird. 

I started thinking about it all and getting anxious, I didn't even hear him come back. 

He sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey princess, you alright?" 

I snapped out of it and smiled at him. "Yes, just, lost in thought I guess." 

I can tell he wasn't convinced. 

I didn't want to tell him so I switched the subject. 

"So what are you planning Munson? It's not polite to leave a girl by herself on the first date." 

He laughed and scratched the back of his head. 

"Well, I guess you'll just have to trust me." 

He stood as he spoke, reaching out his hand, so I took it. 

He pulled me up and placed me in front with my back to him. 

He reached behind me and covered my eyes. 

I couldn't help but smile, "What are you doing Munson?" I said as I tried to move his hands. 

"Hey, can't a guy bring a girl out to the woods at night for a surprise without getting interrogated?" He said sarcastically. 

I laughed a little as he told me to start walking, so I did. 

It was a slow walk, he was my eyes and made sure I didn't crash into anything. 

I felt the breeze against my arms and the rips in my jeans and knew we were outside. 

Though every time I would protest he would just giggle and tell me to keep going.

Finally we stopped, "Are you ready?" He said. 

"To see what, my final destination?" I said, he chuckled under his breath as he moved his hands slowly and nervously. 

As I took it all in, he let out a 'surprise'

It was a full picnic on the boat dock behind the cabin. 

I couldn't believe it, there were candles, blankets and pillows to sit on, an ashtray and even a boombox. 

I broke out an instant smile and looked at him. 

"So this is the real Eddie, huh? A true romantic." I said as I took his hand. 

"What can I say, I uh, just wanted to give you the princess treatment." He said smiling at me. 

He walked me to the edge of the dock as he sat me down, the sun was fully setting, and the moon started to come out. 

"Nice spot for shifting worlds, right?" He said. 

I nodded, "It's the perfect spot." 

He just kept smiling at me.

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