Chapter 27: Static and The Longest Drive

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{Dani's POV}

{Eddie's Van}


I wanted to run away, but I couldn't.

I wanted to scream, at Eddie, at Jason, at the world. But I couldn't.

I wanted to just move, but I couldn't.

I was helpless.

My body felt like it was shutting down, I hadn't eaten anything in a few days, I guess I just kept forgetting to. 

I had little range over my head movement, every time I opened my eyes it felt I was going to die.

"Just hold on a little longer Dani, we're almost to the cabin." Eddie said, his voice was muffled. 

I just wanted to be safe and better, and right now I was neither. 

I groaned in pain. "E..Eddie.." I managed to say, weakly holding my hand out.

He immediately knew, he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"You're going to be okay, princess. You just gotta rest, you can do that in a while. For now I need you to stay with me." Eddie spoke frantically.

 I heard bits and pieces of what he was saying.


{Eddie's POV}

"Just keep talking to me, baby." I said to Dani as I squeezed her hand. 

I was trying to make things right, I just didn't know if I really was.

I figured I could ask random questions to keep her conscious, simple things.

"Dani, what's your favorite color?" I said softly. "" She mumbled out.

It works.

"Good, who's your favorite band?" I continued. "M..Maid..den.." She spoke again.

I repeated this over and over again until we reached the cabin.

I pulled up and saw Steves car.

I don't think i've ever been happier to see that tool in my life.

I turned off the van and quickly went to the passenger side, I opened the door and unbuckled Dani.

"Mo..Move.." Dani said as I put her feet on the ground. 

"throw..up.." She said holding her stomach.

She started wrenching, so I helped her to her knees and held her hair.

"It's okay baby you're just dizzy.. you're gonna be okay." I cooed to her as I held her hair with both hands.

She starting heaving, emptying her already empty stomach.

Suddenly I notice Steve and Robin coming to our rescue.

Steve kneeled down on the other side of Dani, "You and me got her right?" He said as he prepped to lift her.

I nodded and he did a count to three, we lifted her up at the same time from under her arms.

"We've already made up the master bedroom." Robin said as she walked behind us. 

"Then that's where we'll go." I said as we managed to get Dani inside. 

We rushed her to the bedroom and got her in bed, sitting her up against the headboard. 

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