Chapter 28: Sisters and Making Amends

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{Dani's POV}

{Boat Dock Outside Cabin}


I felt a presence behind me, and clearly it had no intention of leaving

"Leave me alone, Eddie." I muttered as I hugged myself.

"Well, I'm Dustin, are there any objections there?" The voice said.

I turned around and met his goofy smile, I hopped up and hugged him. 

"I'm so glad you're okay Dani.." Dustin said shakily. I nodded and sat back down on the dock with him by my side.

"I am.. I swear." I said with a weak smile. 

"I know it hurts, but the black eye looks pretty bad ass." He said.

I smiled wider, nodding. "Thanks, I earned it protecting you."

He laughed a little and put his head on my shoulder. We sat there in silence for a bit.

"Thank you, for being my sister." He said, I looked at him puzzled.

 He hesitated when he saw my look, but started to explain himself. "It's kinda lonely, Mike has Nancy and Holly, Will has Jonathan, Lucas has Erica. It's nice to have someone."

I felt my eyes swell with tears. 

For the first time in days, they were happy tears. 

I pulled Dustin in for another hug and happily he reciprocated.

"My pleasure Dusty, thank you for being my little brother." I said as I rubbed his back.

He really was my brother, after Thomas died it was hard not having a sibling, someone to guide me. 

But in that moment, I realized I could be that for Dustin.

We sat there for a while once we pulled away, and I started to tell him what happened between Eddie and I.

The screaming, the arguments, and the alcohol.

"He drank? Even after you told him about your dad?" Dustin asked in disbelief.

I nodded, "Yep, lord knows how many he drank.." I sighed. 

Dustin didn't reply, he just grabbed my hand and squeezed it as a way to console me.

"Is..Is Eddie okay?" I looked over at Dustin.

"You really like this guy, don't you?" He asked.

I let out a small laugh and punched Dustin's arm. 

He whined and tried to rub it better.

"Look, I know you're mad at him, but you have to know something.." Dustin whispered to me.

"He really likes you Dani, he just royally sucks at showing it." He said while putting his hand on my back. 

"Yeah, he does.." I said with another small laugh.

"Do you wish to make amends?" Dustin asked, I just nodded, not really sure what to say.

Dustin smiled and stood up, offering himself to help me up.

He pulled me up and helped me walk back into the cabin,

I loved this little guy.

Dustin held the door for me and I strolled into the kitchen.

From behind the corner, Eddie came and stood down the hall from me.

His eyes swelled with tears as he ran up to me, I let him scoop me into a hug.

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