Chapter 17: Phone Calls and Promises

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{Dani's POV}

{Dani's Bedroom}


As soon as I settled at home I called my dad, I didn't call him often when he was working but I wanted to see where he was. 

I knew his work number so I dialed it. 

"Hello?" A perky phone operator said. 

"Hi! my name is Danielle Walker, can you transfer me to my dad? John Walker?" 

She happily replied, "Of course, i'll transfer you sweetheart!" 

The line rung for a few seconds, he picked up with a groggy and gruff voice. 

"Hello?" He didn't sound like himself. 

"H-Hey dad! How are you?" 

His tone immediately changed to hyper and chipper. "Hey honey! Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to you yesterday, I left while you were at school." 

I rolled my eyes, this was pretty normal. 

"Oh, it's, it's okay dad, are you going to be home so I could take the car to work tomorrow and next week?" 

He hesitated. "Aw sweetie you know I wish I could, but i'm in Illinois."

I was taken back by his words. "You're where? But dad! Work!" 

My voice dropped to quiet and sad. "My birthday.. you're not going to be there again? 

He sighed, "I know this stuff is hard, Dani. But i'm doing this so you can get your rockstar butt to Berklee." 

I smiled a little knowing he was at least sober enough to remember that. 

"I promise we will go out for your birthday when I come back." I nodded and spoke with a slightly happier tone to not upset him. 

"I know, dinner and ice cream, like we used to do." I heard him chuckle from the other line. 

"So, when are  you going to be home?" I asked as he sighed again, i'm pretty sure i've heard him sigh more than I've heard him talk. 

"Two weeks." He said quietly, like he was hoping the softer he spoke the better i'd take it.

 "What?? Dad! you've never been gone this long!" 

He stammered, trying to make it better. "I know, I know honey, but think of this time as your college practice." 

I waited for him to continue, "You know, getting yourself up, getting yourself to school and work, cooking for yourself, all of it, kid." 

I felt tears in my eyes. 

"Dad, I've been doing that since mom passed. I don't need practice, I need a father !" I said, my voice cracking as I cried. 

I heard him sigh again, typical. "Look, I know it's been hard. How about when I come home, we'll talk about getting you your own car." 

I sniffled, "R-Really?" He was quick to promise so I'd stop crying. 

"You're eighteen Dani, you deserve to have your own life, and that starts with getting yourself places."

I smiled a little bit, talking happier so I could hang up sooner. 

"Plus, if you, I don't know, meet anyone, you want to be able to pick he, uh, or she, up!"

I laughed "Daaad! " I heard him laugh as well. 

"Promise you'll be good while I'm gone?" I wiped the tears off my cheeks and took a deep breath. "Yes, I promise dad." 

"I love you Danielle, I'll see you in two weeks."

"Love you more dad, and yep, two weeks."

I hung up the phone and laid my head on my pillow. 

I took another deep breath.

"Two weeks.." I said closing my eyes, drifting off to sleep.



I woke from my nap with my doorbell going crazy. 

I groaned and wandered down the stairs to the front door. 

"Okay! Okay! I'm COMING!" I said, tired and annoyed. 

I swung open the door and there stood Robin.

She laughed when she saw me, "Well hello to you too, dude." 

She said while inviting herself in. 

"Where's your dad?" She said going up the stairs to the living room. 

"Work trip.." I said following her up the stairs.

"What? Again? How long this time?" She said flopping herself on the couch. 

"Two weeks." I said flopping down right next to her. 

"Seriously? Did he at least get groceries and stuff to allow you to survive for two weeks?" 

I hadn't thought about that, so I went to the kitchen. 

In the freezer there were frozen meals that my dad ate, and the majority of the fridge was stocked with alcohol. 

Again, typical. "Well if soggy food and alcohol was my ideal diet, i'm sure i'd be set." I said shutting the fridge in annoyance. 

Robin came up and hugged me, I rested my head on her shoulder.

Even when I didn't ask for it, she knew exactly what I needed, that's why she's my best friend.

"Don't worry Dani, my parents love you. You can come by after school for meals and stuff before work. I have that extra mattress under my own bed for a reason." 

I let out a small 'thank you ' as she held me. 

She pulled away and looked at me with a smile. 

"I hope you know that the fact you're wearing what you wore yesterday isn't unnoticed." She said, I hit her arm as she laughed. 

"You have to tell me everything  Dani! Best friend privileges!!" She said excitedly. 

She opened the fridge to grab sodas and noticed a thirty rack of beer just sitting there.

"That's what your dad drinks to go to bed? Jesus." I sighed and took a soda from her. 

"I guess when you've been drinking for so long it doesn't affect him." I looked at my drink and took a sip. 

"It probably tastes like water to him at this point." I said with a laugh, she just nodded with a smile and waited for me to talk about Eddie.

We shared our drinks and I started telling her everything. 

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