Chapter 32: Storm King and Spaghetti

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{Dani's POV}

{Cabin Kitchen and Table}


I was finishing up dinner and as I cooked I listened to the campaign.

Eddie's voice bellowed confidently as he made different voices.

There were cheers, groans and celebrations going on every few minuets, it made me giggle how into it they got.

I stirred the giant pot of cooked noodles, in the other pan I had tomato sauce cooking.

Behind me I heard Dustin yell, "Son of a bitch! Fire giants?!" 

I laughed as I made my way to the table, grabbing everyone's empty bowls.

My brain was starting to annoy me, more thoughts? Really?

Maybe Dustin won't tell him, if he doesn't say anything I can just act like I forgot about it.

God Dustin.. Don't ruin this for me.

Snapping out of it, I quickly rinsed the bowls.

Stacking them on top of one another, I placed the strainer in the sink.

I poured the hot water out of the heavy pot and into the strainer, the steam booming up.

They continued to play as I put the noodles back in the pot, turning off the second burner and pouring in the sauce, mixing carefully.

I made the bowls, grabbing some cheese from the fridge and sprinkling on.

The guys were still into it as I stared at the bowls proudly, eight bowls full of food sat before me.

"Hey brave souls, care to take a break for some food?" I called from behind me.

I heard Eddie say, "The lovely tavern maid requests we stop for food and beverages."

He looked at me, handing me a D20, "Roll for convincing." He smiled at me.

I looked at the black die in my hand and shrugged, shaking it in my hand and throwing it on the table.

The die rolled across the table and at the top, was a twenty.

"Nat twenty!!" Eddie exclaimed excitedly, the guys cheered.

I laughed and cheered, though I hadn't the slightest clue what it meant.

"We need  her to join our party." Lucas said with a smile, the rest nodding.

Eddie got up and put his hands on my waist, kissing my head softly. "Nice roll, princess."

"We shall put a pause on our journey, to convene in the tavern." Eddie said to the rest of the group.

"To the living room!" Dustin said as he ran there for a spot on the couch, the boys eagerly following him.

I smiled and brought two at a time for them, they all shot friendly thanks and smiles my way as they begun eating.

I went to the kitchen to grab my bowl after I knew everyone was taken care of with their food and drinks.

With my still warm bowl in my hands I made my way to the living room, where Gareth happily got up to make room on the couch for me.

He sat on the floor, a smile still on his face. 

"Gareth, you didn't have to do that." I spoke softly, sitting in his spot anyway, I was sitting between Eddie and Dustin.

"It's the least I could do." Gareth said with a mouthful of food.

"Yeah! You stood up to Jason, not just for Dustin's honor, but for ours as well."  His friends said happily.

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