Maggie smiled at the boy. "Thanks, buddy. Where'd get the gun?"

"Mom gave it to me. Said to use it when I really need to." Max signed as he kneeled next to the heavily pregnant woman. "I would've shot him if he had hurt you."

"I know, you would have. You're just like your mama. She would be proud if she saw you." The short haired woman sighed, before going back to digging up the young blueberry bush. "Help me, would ya."

As the boy helped the woman dig the bush, Gregory pointed toward the oncoming walker. "Oh, here comes one,"

"I'll do it," Maggie said as she stood up with the help of Max.

"Uh, uh, I'm here to protect the pregnant lady. Don't need the pregnant lady and the weird mute kid to protect me." The older man, looked like he was gonna piss his pant.

Max scoffed silently as he squinted up at the man. "Have you ever killed one before?"

"Don't know what you're saying, kid," Gregory said, confused.

"Have you ever killed one before?" Maggie translated as Max rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't be here if I hadn't." Gregory lied.

"It's fine. I got it." Maggie sighed, as she stepped forwards.

"No!" The older man exclaimed, stopping the woman.

Maggie and Max watched as Gregory charged towards the Walker before stopped a few feet away.

"He really got it." Max signed, sarcastically.

"Oh, Jesus." The older man muttered. "Fine. Do it."

Maggie walked towards the Walker as another Walker came from behind the older man and knocked him down. Max stand watching the man struggle from underneath the creature.

"Maggie! Max! Help! Please!" The older man shouted.

Max sighed as he stepped forwards, taking out the knife Rosie gave him and stabbed the Walker with it. He kicked it off of Gregory as Maggie came over.

"Like my mom said, useless pissbag." Max shook his head.


Matilda climbed up a tree with the help of her husband and Lee, the sniper rifle hung from her shoulder as she looked down at her boys.
"I'll be fine. What time does the clock start?"

"Soon as she's in." Lee replied, a hand shield his eyes from the sun. "You sure you can climb it?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Matilda nodded. "I'm gonna to fine."

"Don't like it." Daryl grunted, watching his pregnant wife climb further up the tree.

"You don't like a lot of things." She called back, looking down at them. She sent them a smile. "Go. I'll be fine."

Tilly watched her boys leave before climbing the rest of the tree with some difficulty, it was really hard to climb a tree pregnant. Once at the top, she leant against the tree truck, raising the  sniper up and looked through.

RULE THE WORLD | D.DIXONWhere stories live. Discover now