37 (Bond)

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Jin pov

I opened my eyes as heard my phone alarm. I stretched my body and smiled.
"Yeah yeah you must have that smile!" I got shocked as heard Jungkook who had a mocking tone. I sat on the bed finding him sitting on the couch with his towel and looking at me.
"You had a good sleep didn't you?"
"Ahhh I forgot I slept next to him!" I looked beside myself.
"What did you say?" I looked at him and smiled don't have the energy to argue with him.
"You wake up very soon how co-"
"With you clinging to me like a coala and then kicking me from the bed and hugging my beloved pillow I didn'r have ANY asleep!" He stormed.

"Hey I didn-"
"You did and I barely had 1 or 2 hours to sleep!" I know I can be clingy and move alot when I sleep but I won't losr.
"It is not my fault! Actually it is your fault!" He narrowed his eyes and stood up in front of me.
"How come?" I poutes.
"You gave the attitude that we must sleep together to Tar so-"
"If you haven't eaten like a pig and fallen asleep that-"
"WHAT DID YOU SAYYYY?" I took the pillow and hit him.
"Take your words back?" He held my wrists.
"Is it going to be a habit of yours? Hitting me with a pillow and sayin-"
"Seokjin stop or- ahhhh!" I closed my eyes as fell on him.

I could feel his bare chest as my face was on it. I was about to stand up but a loud groan from him stopped me.
"SEOKJIN!" I closed my eyes as found where I had put my knee. I got shocked as felt his hars cock.
"Sorry sorry sorry I-"

I quickly get up as heard Tae giggling as was hugging his toy and pointing to us.

Jungkook hissed in pain and stood up. Turning around he started breathing. I looked at him and started fanning him with my hands. I an feeling really guilty.
"Sorry I wanted to stand up and- breathe breathe ok! 1 2 3 1 2 3!" On the other hand Taehyung was laughing his heart out laying on the floor.
"Tae stop!" I told him but he laughed harder.

"Jungkook! Are you better? Ar-"
"Seokjin!" I smiled.
"Yeah? You are better yea-"
"Just go out! OUT!"

Author pov

"Agy you!" Jin looked at Taehyubg. They both were standing outside the room waiting for Jungkook. Jin pouted.

"Appa did something wrong! Eventhough your dad is trouble some and insulted me but still!" Tarhyung tilted his head and looked at him.
"Bad....wod you?" He asked Jin. Jin chuckled.
"No he didn't tell me a bad word! Forget it! Come on you are still in pajamas. Let's clean you have a bathe and then have a deliciouse breakfast hmmm?" Taehyung smiled but quickly pouted.

"What is this?" He looked at Jin and then the door. Jin chuckled as found what was in Taehyung's mind.
"You don't like me anymore?" Taehyung looked at him and made a heart with his hands and gave his boxy smile. Jin pouted and sighed.
"Then why are you looking at the door? You don't like appa bathes you?" In that time the door got opened making to smile but quickly tightened his brows and put his hands on his hips.

"Why are you here?" Jungkook asked and gave a sharp stare to Jin who pouted. Taehyung tapped on his knees and cut his attention.
"What is with those tightened brows and this composer?" Taehyung tilted his head.
"Whe....de you?" Jungkook arched a brow.
"Wow sorry your majesty from now on I will inform you about my rutines!" Taehyung pouted his lips.
"Jungkook are you feeling better? I am so-" Jungkook cut Jin.
"Why are still in pajamas? Huh?" He asked Taehyung.

"He was waiting for y-"
Ahhhhhh! Nooooo baddd!" Taehyung said and started hitting Jungkook's legs making Jungkook to close his eyes.
"Great he is going crazy just like SOMEONE!" He said and looked at Jin.
"Hey what are you sayi-"
"Tae stop! Stop you chi-" He held Taehyung with one arm and brought him over his shoulders making Taehyung to giggle out loud with a scream.

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