64 (Miracle)

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Author pov

Jin looked all around the place they have entered. He was confused as he saw the sign of cafè but inside it was like a house with a living room and a kitchen.
He turned to Jungkook as he entered with two bags in his hands and placed them on the counter.
"Where is here? What are these?" Jungkook smiled.
"Here is a couple kitchen and these are the ingredients we need." Jin chuckled.
"Couple kitchen?"
"Yup! We are going to make something deliciouse together. Couple cooking!" Jin laughed and shook his head.

"We could do it at home! Why did you choose here?" Jungkook smiled and leaned to the counter.
"Nope! With that devil we couldn't have peace. Moreover isn't here beautiful? We are always stuck in the house. I like the enviornmemt here." Jin looked all around. It was a cute little house with bright colours everywhere. He went to Jungkook.
"I like it here! He is beautiful!" Jungkook smiled.
"Have you seen this?" Jungkook held his hand and brought him yo the window.
"We can dine outside if we want!" Jin smiled as saw the small fountain and the beautiful chairs and table.

"I bet you've done this!" He told Jungkook with narrowed eyes and he chuckled.
"Ahhh come on I am starving! We must start." Jin pouted.
"As if you can cook. Here I must work and all you do is eating!" Jungkook looked at him with narrowed eyes.
"Who said that? Didn't I make you soup? And you forgot that breakfast?" Jin giggled.
"Come on Jeon Jungkook!"
"No! You said something and must give evidence."
"Aishhh! Go away let's see what we have." Jin said and looked inside the bags.
"Ah you have bought good items!" He said and looked at Jungkook who had his gaze fixed on him.

"What?" He asked Jungkook.
"Jeon Jungkook!" Jungkook chuckled and took one bag.
"What is with you?" Jungkook didn't answer and began washing the vegetables.
"Jungkook!" He bit his bottom lip. Jin went near him.
"Jungkook!" Jungkook looked at him.

"Ahhh are you mad?" He didn't say anything doing his best not to laugh.
"Why are you quiet- hey you are making fun of me?" Jin started hitting him as he started laughing.
"Ahhh I hate you I hate you I hate you?"

Jungkook pov

"Ohhh!" I sniffed and wiped my eyes. I looked at Jin who started Laughing.
"Ahh you look funny!"
"Yeah cause I am the one cutting onions!" He laughed again and came to me.
"Give them to me go and chop those tomatoes!" I smiled and shook my head.
"No it is ok! I'm fine!" He looked at me and smiled.
"I wish Tae was here too. He would enjoy!"
"It is a date! Just for the two of us. We can do it at home with him." He narrowed his eyes and went to the stove.
"He wouldn't be a bother m-"
"He would be! Bothering and Taehyung are two familiar words to eachother." He tightened his brows but then went back chopping the vegetables.
"Why you speak like this about him? He is your son you must be kind to him and respect him. Not to call him little devil trouble maker and these nicknames you gi-" He stopped as I hugged him from behind. I kissed his head and put my head on his shoulder. He looked at me with pursed lips.

"What happened to you today?" He asked in a whisper.
"Did I do something weird?" He looked upward and didn't say anything. He again looked at me with pouted lips.
"Can I ask you something?" I nodded.
"Do you in any case.....look at me....look at me as your future partner?"
"Then why have I asked you to be my boyfriend!" He pouted and narrowed his eyes.

"You didn't ask me to be your boyfriend." I tilted my head.
"I did!" He shook his head.
"You just said you love me an-"
"I am asking you now! Will you be my boyfriend?" He looked at me.
"I won't take any let's see where things go. I am straight forward and you know that I am seeing my future with you. You me and Tae!" He bit his bottom lip.

"What about.....what about...."He stopped and looked at the ground. I turned him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"What about what?" He looked at me in the eye. He then smiled and shook his head.
"So it is a yes to my question?" He chuckled.
"You are something! You've just told me you love me an-"
"Isn't it enough?"
"If I have someone that loves me it is more than enough for me." I caressed his face.
"It feels very good when you know you are beside someone that loves you! That his whole heart for you. Someone whose heart beats cause of you. To know he misses you when you're not around. Is worried for you. Cares for you and wants the best things for you. For me love is more than enough!" He looked down but then shifted his head and looked at me. He smiled and put his hands on my chest.

"Then I will be your boyfriend!"
"Yeah?" He giggles.
"Why are you surprised?" He smiled and put his head on my chest.
"Now I think about it.....love is more than  enough. If Jungkook loves me, his heart is beating for me, I own all of his heart, when Jungkook cares for me and is worry for me, when he misses me and wants the best to happen for me...." He looked at me and smiled boldly.
"Then I will be the happiest with Jungkook! Yeah?" I smiled and caressed his hair.

"I hope I can make you happy."
"You do make me happy! Even now! Here! By bringing me here. You make me feel different. I feel different things. Since the time we've met! Things are different with you." I smiled and caressed his face.
"Seokjin I really love you!" He smiled.
"Let's go and make oue lunch. I am starving!"

Jin pov

"Hmmm! This is so deliciouse!" I ate more of the spinach Jungkook made.
"How come you knew how to make it?" He chuckled.
"Tae loves it! I used to make it alot for him when he was a child. He was diagnosed by anemia and the doctor advised to give him the foods that have iron. The brat he is-"
"Jungkook!" He laughed.

"Alright! I won't call him like this. Anyway he didn't like it and I made a recipe myself. He would eat it most of the times." I smiled.
"It is really deliciouse. I am a fan of that now!" He chuckled and ate some of his food.

"We need to talk about what I was telling you last night!"
"Babe I told you I am sorry-"
"No not cause of that!" I smiled. It feels different when it calls me like this but I don't wanna act like a teenager and he finds it.
"What is it then?"
"Well....seems you even didn't listen to a word that I said. Anyway I was talking about Taehyung's school. He is going to be six soon and he must attend the sc-"

"Tae won't attend any schools?" I furrowed my brows. What does he mean?
"And why?" He drank some water.
"Seokjin! You've seen Tae." I chuckled.
"Seriously you don't understand what I say?" I chuckled and shook my head.
"I have no idea about what you are talking about?" He sighed and put the glass on the table.

"Taehyung is not like other children. He is not speaking properly and it is going to be a very big problem in the school." He sighed and swallowed.
"He is very little now but things are different when he enters school. They would bully him. Bother him cause of his weakness. I don't wanna see him coming home....depressed and broken. I don't want anyone call my baby....mute! Stupid! Weird!" He bit his bottom lip and lowered his head. I went and hugged him.

"It breaks my heart everytime someone gives a comment about him. I do my best not to lose my composer and look strong but....I get scattered in pieces when I hear these things."
"Ahhh we know very well Taehyung is a very intelligent baby." I cupped his face and wiped his face.
"He can read, can write and knows way more than his age." I chuckled.
"Don't you call him a trouble maker cause of that?" He chuckled. I smiled.

"Moreover haven't you seen him in his kindergarten? He brightens everyone's mood. Everyone adores him! He is very beautiful, loving and cute. And also he is not mute. Taehyung is speaking now. He is doing his best. Don't think it is cause what hi doctors and teacher are doing but it is cause of himself. Taehyung himself is trying. He is trying more and more. I see it! He tries to say each word even it is very difficult for him. He tries to say the most difficult words cause he wnat to do it! So he is not stupid. Nor weird! He is just different. In a good way. He IS different. Not every child can hack a system an-"
"Seokjin!" We laughed.
"Or put a tracker on others' phones."
"Or be a match maker for his parents." I bit my bottom lip and smiled.

"I owe him alot!" I looked at him.
"He gifted you to me. The very first word he said brought us here." I smiled. Looking back it is looks like a miracle.
"It looks like a miracle!"
"You are a miracle! The miracle of my life!" I looked at him and smiled. He came near my face and looked at me. I looked at him in the eyes. I closed my eyes as he came near and then felt his lips on mine.

It is not our first time but is different! He is right! It is a miracle! A beautiful miracle that happened for us!

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