3 (Too much)

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Jin pov

"The scans look ok! I don't think there is a probelm!" I looked at the scans and nodded.
"Me neither! We just must wait for his check up! Thank you Kai!"
"You're welcome!" We came out of the scan room.

"Ah I am sure if he wasn't asleep he wouldn't let go of you! He was clinging to you like a koala!" Jimin said and laughed. I chuckled.
"Yeah! He is cute though!"
"He is! But.....why is he calling you appa? As I know you never ever were pregnant were you?"
"Jimin!" He laughed.
"Jin I mean.....you know I've seen some children being too clingy to a doctor maybe he is kind but calling someone as your parent.....well.....it is something I guess!"

"I don't know Jimin! It is weird for me too!"
"Why?" I shook my head.
"I don't know! It is like I've seen him!"
"Seen him?" I nodded.
"Hey I am sure you're overthinking! We are pediatritian and we are always seeing different children. Maybe he is just familiar and maybe he has came to you before." I shook my head.

"I don't know!" I remembered how he was clinging to me and would hide his face in my chest when they woulr bring the medicine near him.
"What are you smiling to?" Jimin asked.
"He is beautiful and cute!"
"Yeah and his dad is sexy and hot!" I looked at him.
"And here I wonder what would Namjoon do if hear this!" He laughed.

"Hey my man is a perfect ass one! I am telling for you!"
"You mean that disrespectful and impolite ass one who looks at himself as the god?"
"You know most ofthe love stories strat with a dram-"
"Jimin cut the crap!" I said and hit his back head.
"Hey you! Hey stop!" I laughed.

"I'll tell Namjoon what you said about Mr rudy!"
"Seokjin no! Noooo he will divorce me before our marriage!"

Jungkook pov

I caressed Taehyung's hair who was sleeping peacefully.
"Appa! Appa! Appa!" I smiled.
"So your voice is like this yeah?" I sighed and kissed his little hand.

"You know how much I wish you call me huh?" After what happened years ago I regret all happened.
"I should have been with you! It was my fault as well. I must have ran after you! I must have not.....started that childish argument!" I held his hands and caressed them! I don't know what to do for making him like other children! To hear his voice! To hear him call me daddy!

I wiped my tears as heard someone knocking!
"Come in!" I turned and saw Dr Kim!
"Dr Kim!" He smiled and bowed.
"Ummm....they are Taehyung's scans!" I looked at him.
"Is he all fine?"
"Yes yes! We are just waiting for his check ups!" I nodded.

"Thank you!" He smiled and came to Taehyung.
"He is cute and beautiful!" I smiled and looked at my son.
"Ummm....if you want we can try speaking therapy with Taehyung tomorrow!"
"He has been-"
"No! Not for his speaking! It is a way that the child will express all of his feelings." I started thinking.

"So you mean someone will speak with Tae?"
"Yeah! We will ask him-"
"Sorry but he doesn't speak with anyone! It is just me who he communicates with and some people he feels safe around the or knows them from his childhood."
"This cage must be broken a day so you must do it. The sooner the better! I think Taehyung needs an out burst an-"

"Appa appa!" I turned to Taehyung who was smiling boldly. He sat on the bed and opened his arms for the doctor.
"Appa appa appa appa appa appa!"
"Tae you-"
"It is fine! Ah Tae did you sleep well?" He smiled and nodded.
"Look how messy our TaeTae is let's clean up yeah?" He giggled and nodded.

I don't understand why he loves this doctor this much! But there is surely a reason! Or maybe he has just mistaken him!

"Sir!" I turned to the door as heard my assisstant!
"We brought your dinner!" I nodded.
"Did you bring Taehyung's ipad?" He lowered his head.
"Sir sorry-"
"Will sorry fix things?"
"No but will show the person is as sad as you that hasn't done what you wanted." I clicked my tongue.
"Dr Kim! I wonder if you are a doctor or some one who lecture!"
"I am a human before being a doctor!" He then smiled.
"And being a human tells me to appreciate the ones who are doing their best for me and close my eyes to their wrongs if they do something unintential!" I sighed.

"Appa!" I looked at Tae who pointed to the food. Well.....his timing is not the best!
"He is hungry! Baby come daddy will feed you!"
"One more time calling appa and no fair!" I held him who was pouting and had tightened brows.
"What?" He started acting like roaring and then pointed to me.
"You are a brat!" He shook his head and then cupped his face and giggled. I smiled and shook my head.
"A cute one!"

Jin pov

"Tae baby stop playing and eat!" He ran to his dad and ate his last bite of his dinner.
"Ok good boy! Now brush your teeth and sleep yeah?" His dad said and held him in his arms.
"Appa!" He said and pointed to me.
"What is this?" He pouted. Then he pointed to me and held himself.

"He cannot stay with you!" He lowered his head and pouted more. He wiggled from his dad's hold and came down and looked at me.
"Tae baby! I have a house and my friend will be alone if I stay wi-"
"Appa!" He then tapped his chest. His dad sighed and closed his eyes.
"What is this?"
"Nothing important you ca-"
"What did he say?" He lowered his head.
"He said you are...... my appa!" I didn't know what to say!

"Tae baby....ummmm....everyone has a house an-" I stopped as he held my leg.
"Tae baby come to daddy! This is not right!"
"Appa appa appa!" I kneeld in front of him who was near crying.
"No baby! No no! I'm here don't cry!" I held him and caressed his back.

"Taehyung sweetheart!" I cupped his face and caressed his cheeks.
"I am tired! I was here all day! If I stay here I'll get tired an-" He shook his head and held me tightly.
"Taehyung stop this! Daddy is here."
"Appaaaaaaa! Appaaaaaaa!" He started crying!

"Appaaaaaaa! Appaaaaaa!" Who is this?

"Shhhhh shhhhhh I'm here! I'm here baby!" I looked at his dad.
"I'll stay with him Mr Jeon!"

Jungkook pov

I looked at Jinyoung's photo!
"Why Tae is acting like this?" I sighed and shook my head.
"That night he was with you? You know from that time be hasn't spoken! You told me he only can calls you and now......is just calling someone else his appa!" I looked inside Taehyung's room finding Taehyung all giggly in the doctor's hold!

"What is in your little mind Tae?"

Jin pov

"Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are!

High above the world so high like a diamond in the sky!
Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are!" I caressed Taehyung's face who was fast asleep.

I sighed and came down the bed. I looked at him for the last time and came put of his room.
"Dr Kim!" I turned to right and saw his dad.
"He is asleep!" He nodded.
"Thank you! Tae made you to do alot today!" I shook my head.
"This is my job! Anyway did you make your decision about tomorrow's therapy?" He sighed and nodded.

"I've done so many therapies! I just wish Tae accompanies!" I smiled.
"He will and trust me it'll work!" He lowered his head and sighed.
"You must not lose your hopes! Actually Taehyung is a smart child but....there is something in his mind! He needs and out burst and a way to shows his feelings! Mr Jeon Taehyung needs lots of care and attention!"

"He is my first priority! I always take the best care of him and will do what he wants but sometimes he goes too much. I don't like my son be spoiled!"
"It is not spoiling bu- better to speak about it tomorrow! One more thing can I know about Taehyung's other parent?" He swallowed.
"Sorry if-"
"He is not here!"
"What does it mean? Your son needs both of you an-"
"He passed away when Tae was a year and half!" He said and went to Taehyung's room.

I closed my eyes!
"Maybe I went too much!"

Heyyyyyy! Did you like it? Sorry for the late update! I am busy and tired so updates are getting slow again! Hope you enjoy!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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