33 (Trouble)

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Jin pov

"Can you please tell me why are we going to my dad? For god's sake I had work then you told me you will come and fetch us at 6 here you came at three and Tae didn't have his therapy an-"

"First of all you yourself told me to go and visit your father to tell him you've moved. As for your work I am coming from a very significant work here I push it back cause of your childish acts. And I didn't come at 3 but half past three and you can do Tae's therapy session there. Your are a neourologist Seokjin! Moreover I couldn't leave you two alone and thinking you like to see your dad being a good fiance and son in law I had to make this meeting Seokjin!" I closed my eyes hearing him mentioning my name the way he always does.
"Your company's products can define you very well." He furrowed his brows.
"What that suppose to mean?"
"You are like a robot! Elecreonic machine! Everhthing's planned an- like like......how can you be like this? You even speak like one of them!" He puffed.

"It is why I am successful in my business! I know what to do and what to say. Eventhough things has changed since you've entered our life. Unfortunately I am behind my schedule which I hate the most. And what do you mean I speak like a robot?" I shook my head. Speaking with him is useless.

I heard my phone and it was a message from Tae.
"Tae baby why did you send a message?" I read it.
"I want soda!" I looked at him who was taking a bite from his sandwich. I laughed.
"My baby look how cute he is eating!" I took a tissue and wiped his lips and mouth which were full of sauce.

"Tae becareful not to mess up the-"
"Are you enjoying your lunch?" I asked Tae and gave him some soda.
"Do you consider cuttin-"
"I consider lots of things while you don't!" I snapped at him anf rolled my eyes. Tae is enjoying his food and he is euining his mood. I looked at Taehyung who was munching on his food.
"You surely love burger yeah?" He giggled and nodded. I caressed his face and gave him some fries.

"Don't ruin the mood when he is enjoying! Please!" He sighed and didn't say anything.

Jungkook pov

"Daaadddd!" He ran toward his dad and hugged him tightly.
"Here the one who didn't want to come!" I looked all around the house. It was a big garden and a house in the center. You could see every flowers and some animals here and there. Now who can control Taehyung from going to them? I went to Tae and opened the door.
"Tae baby come out of your car seat! Come to daddy!" He was typing on his ipad. I closed my eyes knowing well he is up to something. He showed his ipad.

"I told Mr Han to give Scorpy's food!"
"Yeah yeah! And you are saying the truth!" He tightened his brows. I shook my head and unbuckled his seatbelt and held him in my arms and took his backpack.

I went yo Mr Kim and smiled.
"Hello sir!" He smiled.
"Hello! I didn't expect you bring Jin and Taehyung along! By the way thank you I missed my son!" I smiled. He looked at Taehyung.
"How are you little man? Your appa told me you are getting alot of progress!" Taehyung giggled and opened his arms for him.

"Ah you wanna come to me?" Mr Kim then held him in his arms.
"Ge....danda!" He said and pointed to him. I smiled. He even calls Mr Kim but not me!
"I think Taehyung will like here!" When did he come next to me? He smiled to me.
"Why are acting like a ghost Seokjin?" He rolled his eyes and whispered something. I hate it when he whispers cause am sure is giving comments about me.

"Oh!" I turned my head as heard Tae. He jumped up and down as saw solar cells. He tilted his head and looked where they were.
"I think he is confused what are these!" Mr Kim said.
"He knows what are they! He always tell me to use them in our house to provide the electricity!"
"What?" Taehyung then came to us.

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