Episode 15: Knights Of The Black Oath

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Back in the village, NNBX and captain Kel stay inside the Aquanity docked in the harbor. Early one morning, Myrina stretches outside as Xiumin walks over to her. "So what's the plan for the warehouse?" He asks her, she shrugs, "Well... I guess first, we get captain Kel's friends, and then we'll attack the warehouse for everything." She replied.

Xiumin chuckles, "I'm pretty sure Jensen and I can do it alone." He tells her, she turns to him and smirks, "Really now? Why not bring Juno with you? The more the merrier right?" She replies. Xiumin turns to the sea, "The more people there are, the more likely we'll get caught." He replies back. Myrina laughs, "Got me there. Alright then Xiumin, if you're so confident... you and Jensen will be going tonight. Juno, captain Kel and I will go meet up with his friends. Got it?" She asks,

Xiumin nods his head and smiles, "Of course." He replied. Xiumin then walks away from her and down into the lower decks where Jensen is sitting on a table eating an apple. "Jensen, we're going on an assignment tonight." He says, Jensen smiles, "Alright then, where to?" "The warehouse." "Weren't we supposed to wait for allies before doing that?" Xiumin laughs as he leans against the wall, "Nah, Myrina gave us the green light."

Jensen smiles and nods his head in response. Later that night, they left on the way towards the warehouse.

Xiumin's POV
As soon as we arrived at the warehouse, there was a wall surrounding the warehouse, I noticed a squad of imperial guards patrolling around the outside of the warehouse and behind the outerwall. "Any plans?" I ask Jensen, he only smirks before putting his mask over his face. "Kill them all and don't let one get away?" He suggests, I smile with him, "I like the way you think." I tell him.

There were two guards at the front gates, Jensen knocked on one of the corners of the walls grabbing their attention. "Go check it out." One of the guards said as the other began walking. I came from the other side and snapped the neck of the guard who stayed behind while Jensen used his blade to stab the other through the throat.

We grabbed the keys and pushed the gates open looking around. "Alright, go check the second floor, I'll be in the bottom." Jensen says to me, I nod my head and we split off from one another. I climb the side of the warehouse and enter through an open window. Thankfully, the enemy patrol was on the opposite side of the warehouse by the time we entered.

I looked around, there were boxes of swords, axes, spears, muskets, flintlocks and newly built bolt-action rifles. "These are gonna cause a lot of damage..." I whisper to myself, I grab one of the rifles and place it beside my sword. I continued my search, as I did, I noticed a small room in the corner, so I walked over and pushed the door open quietly.

Inside, was a table and a map with X's all across it. Above the table was a board with writing. I entered the room and looked at the board. It read 'Locate and destroy all academies.' I smiled and looked down at the map laying on the table.

Jensen's POV
In the lower level of the warehouse, I noticed that there were two large boxes, I used my blades to open the lids and inside, I saw two cannons sitting side by side in each. "Captain Kel is going to love these new weapons..." they looked to be explosive cannons.

I turned around and began looking through more boxes. Just more swords, axes and spears. I then hear warehouse doors open and so I jumped behind one of the large boxes. I'm sure they won't notice that the lids are open, the boxes are too high for anyone to see anyway. I peeked around and saw two soldiers talking with one another. "Are all preparations ready?" Soldier 1 asks, soldier 2 nods his head, "Indeed commander, as general GrimLock said, we've already moved our fifth legion onto the hills overlooking the valley." He replies.

Soldier 1 turns towards the boxes around him, "Have the guards send out these weapons tomorrow morning. The emperor will be expecting them soon." "Very well, I will inform them at once." Soldier 2 replies before the two of them leave.

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