Episode 7: Powerless

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Jensen's POV
"Juno! Xiumin!" I called out. The person smiled as they turned their head to Juno. "So..." he began as he turned back to me, "Another academy dog has come to greet me." I opened my blades and began walking towards him. However, I saw Juno from the corner of my eye, "He's too strong..." he said weakly. Did they already have a brawl? How did they both seem to lose so one-sidedly?

"Who are you?" I asked the man. He chuckled, "Warden... pleasure to meet you..." he said with a bow. I continued walking to him as he stood back up, "Hm... not giving your name is quite rude, wouldn't you say?" He asked me. "Be quiet!" I yelled as I dashed at him.

He blocked my attack with a violin... a VIOLIN! "Wh-what the!?" "Heh, you're not fast enough!" He then kicked me back, as my feet dragged along the ground, he strung the violin and shot out three beams of energy towards me. I jumped up and dodged them, they had exploded the ground below me. "Who is this guy?" I asked myself, Warden... would our masters know who he is? Wait.. where's Myrina!? As soon as I landed, I turned to where she was supposed to be searching.

"Oh? I see. There's another one isn't there?" Warden asked, I quickly turned my attention back to him and charged forward. I have to but Myrina time to get here and help the others. As I swung my blades at him, he dodged easily before swinging his violin into my stomach. He then spun around and hit the back of my head which brought me to the ground.

I swung at him again, he stepped back and smirked, "Valiant effort... I'll give you that." He said to me before kicking my chin and knocking me onto my back. "Where are you Myrina...?" I asked quietly and weakly.

Myrina's POV
I had spotted the explosion and quickly made my way there, however, once I got there. Everyone else was already on the ground. "Get away from them!" I yelled at the man. He turned to me with a smile, "Ah... a woman... interesting." He said, "My name is Warden. What is yours my lovely flower?" "Myrina..." I don't know why I responded to him, I just did.

Warden smiled, "Myrina... beautiful..." he muttered before the strumming of his violin began. I summoned a protective shield around me as explosions came from all sides. As the smoke and dust cleared, Warden was still watching me. "Hm. No one has ever blocked my attacks, they've dodged, but I've never seen blocking. Very strange." He said before placing his violin onto his back

I drew my rapier as he stepped towards me, "Shall we? Myrina?" He asked, with that, I ran towards him, he swung his own sword at me, but I managed to dodge him by ducking under the attack and slashed at his leg, but there was armor. He then reached out his left hand, a sudden force of negative energy pinned me to the wall. "What is this...?" I asked struggling.

"Negative magic." He replied as he continued to hold me there. I continued to struggle through this negative energy before being thrown into one of the buildings. "Geez, this was the academy of some of the best trained fighters. You're so weak." He said. We just started... we're not even close to graduation... yet he's...

"Whatever, die, knowing I will give every one of those pathetic warriors a painful death!" He said before calmly and gently swinging his sword in front of him. It had summoned 5 beams of energy shooting towards me.

Juno's POV
The building exploded, a cloud of dust surrounded it as Warden turned back to us. "Your friend was weak. But at least she put up for a fight than the three of you." I began to stand up, gripping the handle of my Cuttoe.

A sharp pain surged through my legs, did I break it? Warden charges towards me, but he was stopped. As I looked, I let out a sigh of relief. "Grandmaster!" I called out. Portal turned his head to me, "I'll handle this." He said before looking back to Warden.

Warden smiled, "Ah, Grandmaster Portal! What a pleasure to finally meet you." He said, "Who are you?" "Must I be introducing myself all the time? Now now... your biggest worry should be my master! Now that he know's you reside here, he'll stop at nothing to finally kill you!" "Your master?" "Yes yes! My master. The Grim Reaper! The lord of chaos! The master of Death!" "Death!?"

Portal's face was visibly shaken. I had never seen anyone do this to him. Warden then smirked, "Heh... well I suppose this is where I must leave, farewell Grandmaster. Until we meet again." He said before teleporting away in a red beam.

Portal then gathered the four of us. "I'm glad all you had were wounds." He told us, Myrina and Xiumin were out cold. After returning to the academy, the other teams began to speak. "If they were defeated by a snake... what kind of low power levels do they have?" "So they're a weak team? How did they get this far in training?" "It wasn't a snake." Portal told them, "Come with me." Me and Jensen looked at one another before following Portal into his office.

During their talk, Myrina and Xiumin had woken up halfway through. They then all learned that Warden was working with the God of Death who's name was also "Death" Portal explains that Death once belonged to a realm called "The Void" where Gods and Goddesses exist. He was cast out by unknown reasons and vowed to take his revenge of the Gods and Goddesses of the Void.

Xiumin's POV
"You're telling me that the Gods and Goddesses of the Void are real?" Myrina asked, Portal nodded his head, "For now, do not speak of this information with anyone and continue your training like usual while the other masters and I search for answers." He replied. I let out a sigh before looking towards Myrina "What's the plan?" I ask her, she shrugs for a moment, but quickly makes up her mind "We'll keep training like what the Grandmaster said to."

For the remaining time at the academy, NNBX trained intensively while academy masters still searching for answers but coming up empty handed, they eventually reached graduation. The academy is so elite that students are known to graduate from only half a year there and in some cases the strongest and best students graduate in only a few weeks.

As NNBX stood along with the other graduates of the academy, Portal nodded to them all. "Each of you have shown your skills time and time again. Fighting in matched against your peers and on tests sent to kill the demonic enemy. Now, you have all earned your title. You are now officially... assassins, warriors and mages of the Encarfian academy. I hope to one day meet you all again." He says before walking away.

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